Security is a critical topic in Web3, and many security issues are happening daily. Victims might lose all of their assets because of the attack.
We could buidl some projects for this, introduce essential security tips to new Web3 users, demonstrate typical attacks in Web3 and help users to protect their assets.
Luckily, we have a security agency partner like SlowMist. We can collaborate to work on this. We can buidl the product, and they provide professional security content.
In this topic, we can collect some good security posts, website, and products, brainstorm and design for this product. Then convert it into proposal and start buidling this project.
I think we can buidl a website to show the common phishing attacks and make it looks like a tutorial. After finishing all courses, will get a POAP or SBT as the certificate.
It will show the attack details and what the attack looks like (MetaMask signature), and how to prevent this from happening.
We can add more tutorials and notify the users if we get some new attack cases, this can be done by SlowMist.