This week:
- Released the LXDAO Strategy Note on the forum, outlining the strategy for phase 2
- Discussed with early contributors and supporters for advice on the strategy
- Polished proposals for governance group season 2, EIPs fun project idea and proposal, and Ethers.js document improvement
- Changed the community call to Saturday, starting from next week
Next week:
- Continue working on LXDAO financing, improving the deck, and contacting investors
- Follow up on new ideas and proposals
- Collaborate with more partners
Onboarding Committee
This week:
- No builder was onboarded this week, but we are working on the new onboarding proposal
Next week:
- Propose a new onboarding rotation proposal
MobyMask Improvements
This week:
- Completed UI polishing and integration testing for MobyMask, with a PR created on Github
- Conducted research on the report’s history feature and the new watcher
Next week:
- Follow up on PR merge and extension release for MobyMask
- Focus on report history feature implementation
- Follow up on MobyMask grants
This week:
- Completed the prototype of the MyFirstLayer2 website and began designing the UI
- Built content for MyFirstLayer2 on GitBook
Next week:
- Start coding for MyFirstLayer2
- Review and improve the content
- 在论坛上发布了 LXDAO 战略笔记,概述了第二阶段的战略方向
- 与早期的贡献者和支持者讨论了战略方向并寻求建议
- 完善了治理小组 S2、EIPs Fun 项目的想法和提案以及 Ethers.js 文档改进的提案
- 将社区电话会议改为每周六,从下周开始
- 继续进行 LXDAO 融资工作,改进展示文档并联系投资者
- 跟进新的想法和提案
- 与更多的合作伙伴合作
Onboarding Committee
- 本周没有新的 Buidlers Onboarding,我们正在制定新的 Onboarding workflow
- 提出新的 Onboarding 轮换提案
MobyMask 改进
- 完成了 MobyMask 的 UI 优化和集成测试,已在 Github 上创建了 PR
- 对报告历史功能和新的 watcher 进行了一些研究
- 跟进 MobyMask PR 的合并和 Extension 发布
- 专注于报告历史功能的实现
- 跟进 MobyMask 的资助
- 完成了 MyFirstLayer2 网站的原型设计并开始设计 UI
- 在 GitBook 上构建了 MyFirstLayer2 的内容
- 开始为 MyFirstLayer2 编写代码
- 审查和改进内容