「Web3logo」 allocation in Oct(10月)

Proof of Contribution Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

The estimated allocation plans in Oct:

Wang teng
16 h x 28/h LXPU =(448 LXPU,268.8 U / 179.2 LXP)
65 h x 30/h LXPU =(1950 LXPU,1170 U / 780 LXP )
2 h x 30/h LXPU =(60 LXPU,36 U / 24 LXP )

Web3LOGO Total Budget is 3000 LXPU,Counting the last application, a total of 3650.5 LXPUs have now been applied for, which is already overspent

Yes, it is currently over budget. After discussing with the Marcus governance team, we will reduce our working hours compensation in proportion @TengWang @wwei . Finally, reserve 500 LXUP as the optimization budget after the website is launched.

是的,目前已经超出预算,经过跟 Marcus 治理小组商讨,我们将等比例减少我们的工时报酬 @TengWang @wwei ,最后预留 500 LXUP 做为上线后的优化预算。

经过和 Web3Logo PM wangteng 沟通
Web3logo 之前发放 1278 LXPU,还剩 1722 LXPU,预留 416 LXPU 用作 demoshow 之后的发放
第二次分发 1307.5 LXPU
目前登记的 LXPU 总计为 2458,2458/1307.5 = 1.879
各个成员按照 1.879 的份额等比折算
wangteng: 448/1.879=238 LXPU
Wwei: 1950/1.879=1037 LXPU
Muxin: 60/1.879 = 31 LXPU