Hey LXes,
Season 7 is coming to a close, and we’ve accomplished a lot during this time. Our various projects are making progress, and we’ve been actively engaging with different ecosystems. RetroPGF has provided a clear roadmap for the sustainable development of public goods.
Throughout Season 7, many initiatives have been gradually taking shape, and our community is becoming more stable. However, stability isn’t always a good thing, especially considering we’re still in the early stages. There’s still a long road ahead, and we need more creativity and talented individuals. LXDAO is an open community, and we welcome those interested in contributing to public goods to join us.
So, in your opinion, what kind of community should LXDAO be? What kind of people does it need, and where do you think we should be heading? Feel free to share your thoughts below this post.
Additionally, the strategic meeting for Season 7 is about to take place. If you have any suggestions or areas of dissatisfaction regarding LXDAO, please leave a comment below this post. We need to hear more genuine voices to help LXDAO go even further.
hi 良心们,
Season7 就快过去了,这个 Season 我们也做了很多事情,各个项目都在推进中,我们也在积极的接触各个生态,RetroPGF 让公共物品可持续性发展有了清晰的落地方案。
在 Season7,很多事情都在逐步落地,我们的社区也越来越稳定,有时候稳定不一定好事,我们比较还处在早期,后续还有很长的路要走,我们需要有更多的创意,也需要更多优秀的人。LXDAO 是一个开放的社区,我们希望对公共物品感兴趣的人可以一起来共建。
那么在你眼里,LXDAO 应该是一个什么样的社区,需要什么样的人,我们会走向哪个方向,欢迎在这个帖子下面留下你的想法。
另外 Season7 的战略会马上就要召开了,如果你对 LXDAO 有什么建议或者不满意的地方,可以在这个帖子下面留言,我们需要听到更多真实的声音,这样才能让 LXDAO 走的更远。