Solving voter apathy - improve governance active


Improving LXDAO Governance Rates

In last week’s governance meeting, a discussion arose around lowering the voting thresholds and increasing the governance rate.

Marcus, after some research, came up with the idea of lowering the voting threshold for consensus-level proposals from 70% to 50%, and adopting a dynamic threshold voting scheme.

This idea was rejected in the governance meeting, and after a coherent discussion, the governance group decided that the core goal of solving the current governance problem is to increase the governance participation rate and to generate more public goods through governance decisions.

Status of governance activism

Only 20%-30% of people voted on the most recent proposal, which is a low rate for the 67 Buidler card holders we currently have!

Buidler card holder:

We have analysed many addresses and also found that some of them have not participated in voting for a long time

Compare this to LXDAO’s current turnout of 20%~30%. to give you a reference total vote turn out for Brexit was 72%( Brexit referendum: Voting analysis ) and US presidential election is 62%( Voter turnout in United States presidential elections - Wikipedia) .

But this is not a new problem, forbesfinancecouncil defines lack of user engagement as one of the three major challenge within DAO. In a paper published by World Economics Forum on DAO defines engagement as challenge within DAOs along with privacy, scalability to name a few.

Why governance inactivity occurs

The reasons why this happens we analyse as follows

  1. Lack of incentives

In our communication with the buidler card holders, we found a more central problem:
I have no stake in this proposal (at least in the short term), so why should I vote?
What motivation, other than altruism, do I seem to have for voting? What other motivation do I have to think deeply about my vote?

  1. The proposal is complex

I may be an expert in something, but I have no knowledge of another industry, just as Einstein didn’t understand the oil industry

I read the proposal with confusion because of my lack of expertise, but I don’t know who to turn to for information

  1. Untimely notification

Proposals are posted on Mondays and Wednesdays, with notifications on Thursdays, but some members don’t pay attention to the community news.

  1. Other personal reasons

They may have been traveling, on holiday, sick, etc. during the voting period.

Early discussions

During last week’s governance meeting, 7 members presented their ideas around the governance aspect of the meeting

Tristan: Responded to the previous idea of lowering the voting threshold for consensus level: going from 70% to 50% is not a good approach, rather he was reacting to a lack of active governance, which should be solved first rather than changing the voting rules
Propose a decay system: the voting right is 1, and if a person doesn’t vote for a long time, the voting right becomes 0.

Ray: Voting rights decay from 1 to 0, long term non-voters will be decayed

Bruce: Voting is on an application system, new vouchers for voting rights, active applications, if people with voting rights go to the polls then they get incentives, people with buidler cards can participate in the applications

Jessica: Apply for voting rights based on contribution value, current season’s contribution value is the core data

Cikey: A lot of people don’t understand the proposal and need expert advice

Emptyman: There is no incentive to participate in the voting process, and it doesn’t get a lot of attention.

Marcus: Lowering the consensus proposal threshold, Voting decay system, long term non-voting decay

In early discussions, the decay system was not supported due to technical specification issues.


To combat voter apathy, I see three solutions:

  • simplicity - ease the burden of voting
  • reward - reward good participation
  • documentation - make it very clear where and how to initiate proposals, votes, and comments

1. simplicity

Simple proposals promote more participation in governance and counter voter apathy

Optimisation of the proposal framework: We will optimise the proposal framework for proposals, combining simple and efficient proposal templates to reduce the burden of voting, and introducing a new approach for professional-level proposals or projects, such as a professional-level development project, where non-developmental members may not fully understand the proposal.
Experts’ comments: For some professional-level proposals, we will commission experts to evaluate the proposal before the snapshot proposal is released, and give pertinent suggestions to make it easier for members in different fields to read the proposal.

2. Incentives, rewarding good participation

There is some kind of financial link between the vote and the overall value to incentivise good participation in the vote

Where does the incentive money come from?

Each quarter, the governance team will apply for a set of governance funds to be used specifically for voting incentives and participation, with the application budget presented at the end of each quarter in the strategy meeting

To whom the incentive will be awarded

Governance Participants: in the new quarter, we will be adopting a voting application system, where every buidler card member who wishes to participate can apply for a vote, and will be rewarded for applying for a vote and for participating in the vote

Critical commenters: This incentive is not only for snapshot proposals, but also for projects where a member has a critical opinion on the content of the proposal during the idea-draft-forum proposal - snapshot proposal phase, which is supposed to be incentivised by a backtracking system. Only proposals that are voted on and approved are incentivised.

Governance coordinators: Each LXDAO member can become a governance coordinator, who will call for participation in project presentations, proposal comments, and proposal voting.

3. Clear documentation

In the last quarter, the governance team has written the LXDAO whitepaper and handbook: 投票规则 - LXDAO.

It describes the current voting process in LXDAO, but there are some details that many members may still not understand.

In terms of documentation, we will write an article on governance, with a theme similar to the governance crisis caused by low participation in governance, as a way to remind people to participate more in governance.

In addition, a clear governance code will be written and training will be provided to every member who receives a Buidler card.

Possible directions to explore

Voting + Reputation System

All on-chain good behaviour you generate in LXDAO will accumulate reputation points, which members can praise each other for

Praise enables community members to recognise and reward each other’s contributions. It not only helps us identify who is contributing, but also provides insight into the nature of their contributions. This information can be used to identify the types of contributions that are most valuable to the community.

Using praise fosters a culture of gratitude and appreciation. Being praised for one’s work can increase motivation to continue such work, and is especially important for community members who contribute voluntarily. We believe this is directly aligned with the Fourth Intention’s stated goal of fostering welcoming communities.

Accumulate Reputation Points through contributions and praise, reaching a certain level to claim voting rights


如何提升链上治理-Tristan.pdf (613.7 KB)

1 Like

Tristan, Jessica : Governance add test
Ray: 申请制,投票权的生命周期管理,一个季度连续 4 次治理周期不参与投票即视为放弃
Bruce: builder card 具有提案权,新的投票权采取申请制,投票权,随时申请,有一个过期时间


  1. 治理手册+test+治理培训 @Marcus @yuntian @Jomosis
  2. 投票权清退规则:buidler card 取消投票权,对最少投票人数进行门槛限制+拜占庭规则 @Marcus @yuntian @Jomosis



提案将改变 Buidler Card 的治理权,将 Buidler Card 的提案权和投票权进行分离,Buidler Card 默认具有提案权,但如需具有投票权,那么需要申领代表投票权的徽章



同时,这是一个共识级提案,为了获得更多人的关注,申请将 Snapshot 提案投票时间延长至 2 周


在近 10 个 Snapshot 提案中,整体投票率占 30% 左右,目前我们有 67 位 builder card 持有者,目前并不是一个特别好的现象,针对这种现象,我总结下来是:治理率参与过低


  1. 缺乏激励:之前的投票并未有明显的投票激励
  2. 复杂度高:提案的复杂和专业程度过高,导致并不是每个成员都能理解
  3. 信息通知不及时:缺乏更及时和广泛的信息生态系统,意味着许多 Buidler card 持有者可能不知道投票何时发生,也没有养成有利于定期参与的习惯


LXDAO 的治理目标主要有 2 个目标

捕获阻力:治理在确保 LXDAO 的运行具有反捕获和抗审查方面发挥着关键作用,LXDAO 在未来应当不应受单个实体的情况下继续运行,以及防止一小撮或一部分人能够控制 LXDAO

资源分配:治理的第二个主要目标是有效分配资源以支持 LXDAO 的愿景并为有价值的公共物品实现可持续性


本提案将更改 Buidler card 的治理权,以及申请治理周期

  1. Buidler card 投票权采取申请制

取消 Builder Card 提案申请:在满足一定贡献值门槛后,将会自动申领获得 Buidler Card,不再需要进行 Snapshot 投票

Builder Card 默认具有提案权,但不具备投票权:当你想拥有投票权的时候,需要进行申领,申领成功的成员将被空投一个具有投票权的 NFT,1 个 NFT = 一票

投票通过规则沿用动态阈值规则 LIP0: Definition of LXDAO Governance Snapshot

每次提案发出的时候,需满足最低具有投票权人数:21 人

每次申领具有投票权的 NFT 将会在以下条件自动销毁,同时投票权失效,如需要投票权,需等待 7 天后再度申领

  • 从申领投票权 NFT 开始计时,达到 3 个月时间销毁
  • 连续 4 次每周治理周期未参与投票,自动销毁
  1. 设定治理基金



治理评论者:对通过的提案提出建设性意见的成员,这个意见的周期包括在 idea 诞生到最后成为 snapshot 提案



  1. 提案框架优化




投票一种民主的形式,让主权回归个人是 Web3 的核心精神 民主精神的实质是平等,如果投票仅沦为某种挥舞着民主旗号的程序工具,那么投票本身将毫无意义。(这正是目前诸多拉美国家的问题根源,表面的民主背后的实质是民粹)


绝对平等: : 投票权一定不能与财富和权力对等或者可替换,投票权不能是流动的。所以我们不鼓励代币可参与治理,而是依靠社区贡献度来决定,拥有投票权力的成员在投票上绝对平等。同时也不鼓励投票权可委托转移给他人。

共识可靠: 要尽量保证足够多的投票参与,背后的实质是要尽量让我们通过投票的提案共识是足够可靠的。活跃小部分人的共识不一定与大部分人的共识一致。所以我们不鼓励通过降低投票阈值的方式来提高治理效率。 (心灵学陷阱“集体迷思”:追求全体一致的压力非常强大时,这种压力就会使这个决策团体出现消极逃避行为模式,进而导致决策团体偏向于选择那些最不会遭到反对的方案”,类似发生集体迷思的DAO治理案例,在过去一年当中发生的并不少见。)

治理批判: 批判思维是一种重要的哲学思维,在治理中也扮演着非常重要的作用。我们应当意识到任何的制度建设,一定程度都是违反自然规律的,再高共识的提案一定也会有副作用。这些副作用越早被提出,就越早被预防和根治。所以我们鼓励针对提案批判性意见的提出,而且是非常有必要的,它不仅仅代表反对,它也是在督促一项通过的提案如何更好的进行。 (通常后果影响最大的历史事件,一开始都是出自看似道德的出发点:威尔逊提出的民族自决直接煽动了德国民族主义,导致二战爆发。所以再好的出发点也需要在批判中成长和实施)

权力与道德互动: 在治理过程中,我们常常忽略社会活动的本质是权力和道德的互动。就是当我们施行我们所拥有的权力时,我们必须让每个责任主体意识到自己的道德义务。所以我们必须要确保拥有投票权的个人知晓他的道德义务。采用主动申请,领取治理手册,以及以小的测试确保他知晓自己的道德义务是非常有必要的。

责任追踪和义务补贴: 为提高治理效率,在道德的高墙外在竖立起制度的高墙:针对长期不投票的人冻结其投票权,需重新申请激活。并针对投票参与活跃以及意见输出活跃的治理个体给予适当的激励

Budgets And Distribution

此提案为共识级提案,不需要额外申请支出,由治理小组承担因此次提案而产生的贡献奖励 针对治理基金的申请,将在每季度末的战略会议上确定

Key result

治理率的极大提升:从目前的 30% 提升到 70%


Builder Card Vote power change 10.27

Contributors: Marcus, Jomosis, Tristan


The proposal will change the governance power of the Builder Card, separating the proposal power and voting power of the Builder Card. The Builder Card will have the default proposal power, but if one wants to have voting power, they need to claim the badge representing the voting power.

Proposal power: The right to initiate proposals.

Voting power: The power to vote on proposals and express opinions.

In addition, this is a consensus-level proposal, and to gain more attention, the voting time for Snapshot proposals will be extended to 2 weeks.


In the past 10 Snapshot proposals, the overall voting rate is around 30%. Currently, we have 67 builder card holders, which is not a particularly good phenomenon. The main reasons for the low governance participation rate are as follows:

  1. Lack of incentives: Previous voting did not have clear voting incentives.
  2. High complexity: The complexity and professionalism of the proposals make it difficult for every member to understand.
  3. Lack of timely information notification: There is a lack of a more timely and extensive information ecosystem, which means that many Builder card holders may not know when the voting takes place and have not developed a habit of regular participation.

Governance Goals

LXDAO’s governance goals mainly have 2 objectives:

Capture resistance: Governance plays a key role in ensuring that LXDAO operates with resistance to capture and censorship. LXDAO should continue to operate in the future without being under the control of a single entity and prevent a small group or a few individuals from controlling LXDAO.

Resource allocation: The second main goal of governance is to allocate resources effectively to support LXDAO’s vision and achieve sustainability for valuable public goods.


This proposal will change the governance power of the Builder Card and apply for the governance cycle.

  1. Builder Card voting power application system

Cancel the Builder Card proposal application: After meeting a certain contribution threshold, the Builder Card will be automatically claimed without the need for Snapshot voting.

The Builder Card has the default proposal power but does not have voting power: To have voting power, you need to apply for it. Members who successfully apply for it will receive an NFT with voting power, with 1 NFT = 1 vote.

Voting rules will continue to follow the dynamic threshold rules.

LIP0: Definition of LXDAO Governance Snapshot

When each proposal is issued, the minimum number of voters required is 21.

Each time an NFT with voting power is claimed, it will be automatically destroyed under the following conditions, and the voting power will be invalidated. If voting power is required, it needs to be reclaimed after 7 days.

  • Starting from the claim of the voting power NFT, it will be destroyed after 3 months.
  • If there is no participation in voting for 4 consecutive weekly governance cycles, it will be automatically destroyed.
  1. Establishment of Governance Fund

The governance fund will be used to incentivize individuals participating in governance. The main categories of incentivized individuals are as follows:

Governance participants: Members who vote on proposals and express opinions.

Governance reviewers: Members who provide constructive feedback on passed proposals. This feedback cycle includes from the birth of an idea to it becoming a Snapshot proposal.

Governance coordinators: Members who promote participation in the governance process. Governance coordinators will advocate for project presentations, proposal reviews, and proposal voting.

The governance fund will be proposed by the governance team at the end of each quarter at a strategic meeting and the spending will be publicly disclosed in the community.

  1. Optimization of proposal frameworks

Optimize the frameworks for different types of proposals to facilitate better understanding by members. Additionally, introduce a new section for expert comments to provide fair evaluations of proposals that may have been too technical in the forum proposal phase. However, this section is currently applicable only and in the future, every member should possess the ability to conduct comprehensive reviews of proposals.

Why propose a change in the voting mechanism?/Why not recommend lowering the voting threshold?/Why must opposing opinions be encouraged?

Today, we discuss governance issues one by one, the essence behind these discussions is how we can better promote online democracy.

Voting is a form of democracy that brings sovereignty back to individuals, which is the core spirit of Web3. The essence of democracy is equality. If voting becomes a program tool waving the flag of democracy, then voting itself will be meaningless. (This is the root cause of many problems in Latin American countries, where the surface of democracy hides the essence of populism.)

How can we avoid this?

Absolute equality: Voting power must not be equivalent to wealth and power or replaceable. Voting power should not be transferable. Therefore, we do not encourage token participation in governance; instead, we rely on community contributions to determine voting power.

Reliable Consensus: The essence behind trying to ensure that enough people participate in the vote is to try to make the consensus of the proposal we pass the vote on reliable enough. The consensus of a small active minority does not necessarily coincide with the consensus of the majority. That’s why we discourage lowering voting thresholds as a way to make governance more efficient. (Psychological Trap “Collective Delusion”: When the pressure for unanimity is very strong, this pressure causes the decision-making group to engage in a pattern of passive avoidance behavior, which in turn causes the group to prefer the least objectionable option", similar to the DAO governance where collective delusion occurs). cases, which have occurred not infrequently over the past year.)

Governance Criticism: Critical thinking is an important philosophical mindset that also plays a very important role in governance. We should realize that any system building, to a certain extent, violates the laws of nature, and that proposals with a high degree of consensus are bound to have side effects. The earlier these side effects are raised, the earlier they can be prevented and eradicated. That’s why we encourage critical comment on proposals, and it’s so necessary; it doesn’t just mean opposition, it’s also urging how a proposal that passes can be better. (Often the most consequential historical events started from seemingly moral starting points: Wilson’s proposal for national self-determination directly inflamed German nationalism and led to the outbreak of World War II.) So even the best starting point needs to grow and be implemented in criticism)

Power and Morality Interaction: In the process of governance, we often overlook the fact that the essence of social activity is the interaction of power and morality. It is that when we exercise the power we have, we must make each responsible subject aware of his or her moral obligations. So we must make sure that the individual who has the right to vote is aware of his moral obligations. The use of active applications, the receipt of governance manuals, and small tests to ensure that he is aware of his ethical obligations are essential.

Responsibility tracking and subsidization of obligations: In order to increase the efficiency of the governance, an institutional wall is erected outside the ethical wall: the right to vote is frozen for those who have not voted for a long period of time, and they have to reapply for activation. Appropriate incentives will be given to individuals in governance who are active in terms of voting participation and output of opinions.

Budgets And Distribution

This proposal is a consensus-level proposal that does not require an additional request for expenditures, and the Governance Team will bear the rewards for contributions resulting from this proposal Applications for governance funds will be determined at the end of each quarterly strategy meeting.

Key result

Significant increase in governance rate: from 30% to 70%.

More people interested in governance: more people interested in governance through governance manuals and educational outreach.