First of all, we need confirm the goal of operation group. Why do we need to do this work and what’s our goal. After clarifying this part, we will know what should we do and what can we do. It would make our work more useful and get feed back quickly.
Before clarifying goal, we put our exist work here first.
Group Operation:
Wechat Group: amlost 3k people here include official group, project official group, project work group, buidler group, friends group, normal work group, special tech conversation group, study group and so on.
Discord Group: almost 700 here, info notice, bot, project and work channel.
Content Operation:
- Media Channel Platform: 5 , include Chinese media Wechat official account (main), English media: Medium, Mail3, Binance, MuseX.
- Content Pool: according the main goal, needs and contents of LXDAO, we separate our content to 7 parts: DAO guide (people here can know how to join LXDAO’s work and know more about it), DAO project (we will public a official introduction article for every new project, so that user can get to know them, this is a kind of support of project cold boot), DAO Needs (DAO’s member here can get the recruiting needs of project or work group), Partner, Research, Buidler, if you want to more detail, you can go this this link()
- Content publish SOP: sop is just for work more efficient before start co-work and less mistake before public.
- Content needs table: we collect all basic information of projects and work groups, our buddy can easy to use, and all info can be record here, we will know all project’s situation here. When we grow up, it will be very useful in future.
- Media Channel set up: Foresight news, Odaily, Binance, Marsbit, and so on, set up this one is good for our big activities.
- Project’s cooperate
- DAO’s Projects
Activities Operation:
- Space: we have hosted 2 spaces.
- Sharing:
- Study Plan: English study group, Web3 study group.
- Now English study group - translation group’s collaboration mode and outcome are well running, we will try to publish them on different media platform.
- Web3 study group will start run soon, now this group’s content’s framework has already set and we got two article published. We will try to create study model let people know web3 concept first and then create (idea, design, article, analysis, product and so on).
From all of work that we are doing now, we should know why we need to do these and what we will get from our work (value/goal)
This is my opinion about these questions and some suggestions for our next work:
Content Operation: (move on and let more people join in)
- value/goal: attract more people, promote LXDAO to public, let people easy to get into LXDAO and know comprehensive LXDAO.
- suggestion: let more people get into this part, and create more useful info.
Group operation: (separate to two group by user’s need, and tell people)
- Problem: Group is our main place, people collaborate here, talk here, share here and get immediately info here. But now there are too much groups in different platform, how to use and operate them is not clear. people don’t know what them can get here, and the operation’s work is hard because definition of group is not clear.
- Value: people can really collaborate here, talk here, share here and get immediately info here. Earn skills improvement, friendship, and working experience of web3. Creativity is super important.
- suggestion: separate to two group by user’s need - Benefit Group and Growth Group, they have different function and some basic rules.
Activities Operation:
- Value: earn some here
- suggestion: collaborate with more partner, co-build useful activities here, plan to start a study plan: from concept to practice, we can co-operate with more friends and partners to do this, lets more people know web3, and make great in China.
From all of I mentioned above,
I think we need 5 people here to run those parts:
Web3 Study plan, Cooperation BD, Info catcher, group manager, content producer
Web3 Study plan: From concept to practice, lets more people know, join, use and build web3, and make great in China.
Cooperation BD: connect with our partner and find the way to cooperate.
Info Catcher: catch useful info to us, Hackathon info, grands applying info and the news
Group manager: Group manage, talk with our friends here know their needs and set the net.
Content producer: content’s making, edit, layout and check, them publish them to public.