Operation working group proposal discussion



通过运营工作促进 LXDAO 品牌的传播、用户的活跃与参与的提高,同时增加对外的合作。

  1. 吸引更多人加入 LXDAO 社群
  2. 生成优质内容,吸引更多人关注 LXDAO
  3. 知名度提升和增加合作关系
  4. 辅助项目早期宣发


  1. 品牌传播:
    1. 内容池
      1. 常规栏目规划:
      2. 热点追踪()
      3. Web APP:每日一个 Web3 产品介绍
      4. 内容来源协作说明
      5. 内容发布流程规范与发文排期
      6. 视觉文档说明(文字规范和排版规范)
    2. 媒体渠道
      1. 自有媒体渠道搭建
      2. 外部媒体渠道合作
      3. 媒体发文 SOP
    3. 播客
      1. 深度对话 Web3 实践者
      2. 播客平台:小宇宙、苹果播客、apple podcast、amazon music、Spotify
  2. 用户运营
    1. 社群运营
      1. 微信群
      2. DC群
      3. 活动日历更新
        1. 周会、core team、月会
        2. 黑客松时间
        3. 其他活动安排
    2. 学习计划
      1. 英语小组
      2. 技术小组(开发)
    3. 线上活动
      1. Twitter Space:1周一次
      2. 线上工作坊
    4. 线下活动
      1. 聚餐
      2. 讨论与分享会
    5. 高校合作
      1. 宣传
      2. 课程合作
      3. 高校招募
    6. 新成员介绍:Member intro card
  3. 合作拓展
    1. Partnership 公告
    2. 多元合作方拓展
      1. Media
      2. DAO(友好关系、牵手公告)
      3. Project / Company
  4. 辅助项目早期运营项目宣发运营流程
    1. 项目介绍宣发
    2. 项目需求收集
    3. 项目进度跟进
    4. 根据项目特性策划相应的活动



  1. 内容池建立LXDAO 内容池
  2. 微信公众号建设
    1. 栏目规划
      1. DAO 指南(介绍、活动、周报、月报、年报)
      2. 项目(项目、提案)
      3. Buidler(采访、分享)
    2. 发文规范与视觉排版
    3. 发文 SOP
    4. 日常维护(自动回复更新、留言回复)
  3. 自有媒体渠道建设:MuseX、币安、Mail3
  4. 自有媒体与社群渠道统计和梳理
  5. 项目宣发辅助
  6. 合作拓展
    1. 媒体合作拓展
    2. 项目合作拓展
    3. 高校合作拓展
  7. 运营工作流设计
  8. 运营小组提案与工作拆分
    1. 内容运营:
      1. 编辑(编辑、排版)
      2. 自媒体账号运营
      3. 媒体合作拓展
      4. 热点追踪与信息抓捕(热点、web3产品、黑客松)
    2. 播客:主持(采访稿、前言、嘉宾邀请)、剪辑
    3. 合作拓展
    4. 社群运营
      1. 微信、DC
  9. 日常活动
    1. Twitter Space:
      1. 热点、节日:展望 NFT 机会、
      2. 常规议题讨论:如何提高社区成员自发参与?



  1. 中文区自媒体流量平台建设:B站、即刻
  2. 英文区自媒体流量平台运行:Mail3(中英)、币安(英)、MuseX(中英)
  3. 热点追踪、黑客松信息收集、每日 Web3 APP
    1. 每日内容栏目
  4. 播客开启
    1. 播客栏目规划
    2. 播客小组成员组建
    3. 播客试运行
  5. 学习计划
    1. Web3 产品开发(专家小组领队)
    2. NFT 发行(后期可以与高校合作 - Anty)
      1. 基础知识 - MyFirstNFT
      2. 安全知识 - (MetaPavo - 安全知识库?找漫雾合作?)
      3. NFT 项目(国产良心 - PFP NFT 、艺术 NFT、创意 NFT)
      4. 技术发行 - (HashDNA - Su)
      5. 市场与运营 - (寻求合作方进行讲解)
    3. 英语口语与翻译
      1. 口语:
        1. 日常学习:(每周挑选一个时间 1h Web3 产品/热点事件 的 Presentation,只点评发音)
        2. Guider:Bebe
      2. 翻译:
        1. 日常自学:(每周挑选一篇文章进行翻译,认领翻译)
        2. Guider:乔良
    4. Buidler 学习资源分享
      1. 按照学习路径(合约开发)
      2. 按照领域分享(socialFi、NFT、Defi)
      3. 按照学习能力指数的 Buidler
        1. 1998、Bruce、Box
  6. Twitter Space
    1. 常规 Space:
      1. 主题:(同一议题下的不同回答)如何提高 DAO 成员自发参与?DAO 建议?
      2. 嘉宾:每周选3个 Buidler 参与
      3. 期数:51/3 = 17 次
      4. 时间:每周二晚上8:30-9:30
      5. 流程:各自的自我介绍、开放讨论
    2. 活动 Space:
      1. 节日:情人节、520、七夕
      2. 产品相关
      3. 热点相关


  1. 自媒体账号运营 * 1
  2. 编辑 * 2
    1. 微信公众号
      1. 自动回复内容更新,入群二维码
      2. 后台回复
    2. 内容编辑与归档
    3. 推文编辑与排版
    4. 热点信息跟踪
  3. 播客主持与剪辑 * 1
    1. 主题确定
    2. 嘉宾邀请
    3. 采访稿拟定
    4. 主持
    5. 剪辑
  4. 合作拓展 * 1
  5. 课程 / 工作坊开发 * 1
  6. 社群、用户、活动运营 * 1
    1. 社群日常信息发布
    2. 社群活动策划
    3. 社群建议收集与成员互动
    4. 群解答

Funding Requested(待定)
招募 LXDAO 大使??

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First of all, I think the proposal is well written and mentions many ways to solve the current operational problems of DAO, but there are some questions that I would like to raise

  1. about the determination of the operation team personnel
  2. no mention of Discord and Notion
  3. the work tasks in the whole operation proposal seem too much, which requires a large team
  4. Financial Allocation

In addition, according to the content inside the proposal reference template, there are some contents that feel missing

I have written a version of the operation plan based on your plan here, which may help you


To promote LXDAO’s brand, user activity and engagement through operational efforts, and to increase external cooperation.


  1. User operation: to attract more people to join LXDAO community
  2. Content operation: generate quality content to attract more people to LXDAO
  3. Business development: increase awareness and cooperation


  • Make Discord easier to use
  • Make Notion more transparent
  • Plan a cycle of events within 3 DAOs
  • Plan a recurring podcast

What we achieved in the early stage

  • Event planning: We planned 2 Space events for LXDAO, with a total of 100+ people online
  • Self-media: 14 original articles were published on our public website, with a total of 1700+ followers
  • Project community: Helped to establish MetaPavo product community group, with 110+ people
  • Established the project promotion process and mechanism, project promotion operation process

First Quarter Season Goals

  • Make Discord easier to use
  • Make Notion more transparent
  • Plan 3 cycles of events within DAO
  • Run a total of 12 events on Twitter Space
  • Plan a recurring podcast


  • 1 PM: develop operation plan for the whole quarter, manage the progress of the whole operation team, manage self media accounts, coordinate community meetings, improve operation process and output self media content
  • 1~2 event planners: make activity plans according to the operation plan, plan periodic activities (e.g. Space)
  • 1~2 event hosts: host events according to the event theme, optimize the hosting process, and record the content of regular meetings
  • 1 Notion manager: optimize the layout and content of the entire Notion interface, and organize Notion according to the needs of other personnel
  • 1 Discord Manager: Manage Discord bots and optimize Discord processes
  • 1 Coordinator: A coordinator who coordinates the interface between various responsibilities, working groups, and project teams
  • 1 Podcast Manager: planning podcast events


Detail the responsibilities of each role and how to do it in general

Financial requirements

Calculation based on roles and defined workload: Various types of Web3 role salary research

Key results

  • LXDAO reach reached 2W and is now 10227 (Twitter+Discord+Wechat+Public)
  • Increased the number of partner communities from 44 to 100, and added 3 partners
  • Helped a project build a community of over 500 people
  • Planning 3 long-term events within DAO (learning program, podcast program, translation program)
  • Notion interface optimization: DAO mapping, content organization


良心项目创始人访谈是吧,良心故事鼓励大家回归 Web3 的价值啥的。

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good idea!

talk with good- hearted project founder

This is study group for English Translation

Too many tasks, have to reduce a lot. Suggest updating after our LXDAO strategies are confirmed for phase 2.

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We need clear a clear goal of operation’s work:
First of all, I seperate it to 3 parts:
We have to clear goal so that we get better outcome

  1. Improve brand influence: Enhance the brand awareness and influence of LXDAO through precise media placement strategies, high-quality content output and continuously improving community attributes to increase the community’s stickiness and promote a healthy development of the community.
  2. User operations: Provide personalized and high-quality services based on user needs, lower the barrier to entry and increase user engagement through information and output marketing, establish various user feedback mechanisms, continuously optimize services, and increase user retention and engagement.
  3. Collaborative expansion: Actively establish close cooperative relationships with more high-quality project parties or DAO organizations, jointly explore opportunities for cooperation, and cooperate to build a more sustainable ecological system. Meanwhile, monitor and analyze the dynamic changes in the ecosystem in real-time, timely adjust strategic direction, to ensure the stability and healthy development of the ecosystem.

I have a idea. There are many developer in our community, we can move the developer’s blog in lxdao public account, and the developer will get lxp rewards at the same time.

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Yeah, we have a plan for supporting research.

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I think the first stage of user operation is still very good, but I think we are currently missing some things that need to be added in the S1 season

  1. Periodic Space
  2. establish KOL matrix
  3. build media matrix

weekly space with founders sounds great!

LXDAO weekly space could serve as a platform for founders to promote their projects, which also helps LXDAO to attract more builders. And therefore create a self-sustainable cycle

i am happy to be the host :grinning:

First of all, we need confirm the goal of operation group. Why do we need to do this work and what’s our goal. After clarifying this part, we will know what should we do and what can we do. It would make our work more useful and get feed back quickly.

Before clarifying goal, we put our exist work here first.

Group Operation:

  1. Wechat Group: amlost 3k people here include official group, project official group, project work group, buidler group, friends group, normal work group, special tech conversation group, study group and so on.
  2. Discord Group: almost 700 here, info notice, bot, project and work channel.

Content Operation:

  1. Media Channel Platform: 5 , include Chinese media Wechat official account (main), English media: Medium, Mail3, Binance, MuseX.
  2. Content Pool: according the main goal, needs and contents of LXDAO, we separate our content to 7 parts: DAO guide (people here can know how to join LXDAO’s work and know more about it), DAO project (we will public a official introduction article for every new project, so that user can get to know them, this is a kind of support of project cold boot), DAO Needs (DAO’s member here can get the recruiting needs of project or work group), Partner, Research, Buidler, if you want to more detail, you can go this this link()
  3. Content publish SOP: sop is just for work more efficient before start co-work and less mistake before public.
  4. Content needs table: we collect all basic information of projects and work groups, our buddy can easy to use, and all info can be record here, we will know all project’s situation here. When we grow up, it will be very useful in future.


  1. Media Channel set up: Foresight news, Odaily, Binance, Marsbit, and so on, set up this one is good for our big activities.
  2. Project’s cooperate
  3. DAO’s Projects

Activities Operation:

  1. Space: we have hosted 2 spaces.
  2. Sharing:
  3. Study Plan: English study group, Web3 study group.
    1. Now English study group - translation group’s collaboration mode and outcome are well running, we will try to publish them on different media platform.
    2. Web3 study group will start run soon, now this group’s content’s framework has already set and we got two article published. We will try to create study model let people know web3 concept first and then create (idea, design, article, analysis, product and so on).
  4. IRL

From all of work that we are doing now, we should know why we need to do these and what we will get from our work (value/goal)

This is my opinion about these questions and some suggestions for our next work:

  1. Content Operation: (move on and let more people join in)

    1. value/goal: attract more people, promote LXDAO to public, let people easy to get into LXDAO and know comprehensive LXDAO.
    2. suggestion: let more people get into this part, and create more useful info.
  2. Group operation: (separate to two group by user’s need, and tell people)

    1. Problem: Group is our main place, people collaborate here, talk here, share here and get immediately info here. But now there are too much groups in different platform, how to use and operate them is not clear. people don’t know what them can get here, and the operation’s work is hard because definition of group is not clear.
    2. Value: people can really collaborate here, talk here, share here and get immediately info here. Earn skills improvement, friendship, and working experience of web3. Creativity is super important.
    3. suggestion: separate to two group by user’s need - Benefit Group and Growth Group, they have different function and some basic rules.
  3. Activities Operation:

    1. Value: earn some here
    2. suggestion: collaborate with more partner, co-build useful activities here, plan to start a study plan: from concept to practice, we can co-operate with more friends and partners to do this, lets more people know web3, and make great in China.

From all of I mentioned above,

I think we need 5 people here to run those parts:

Web3 Study plan, Cooperation BD, Info catcher, group manager, content producer

Web3 Study plan: From concept to practice, lets more people know, join, use and build web3, and make great in China.

Cooperation BD: connect with our partner and find the way to cooperate.

Info Catcher: catch useful info to us, Hackathon info, grands applying info and the news

Group manager: Group manage, talk with our friends here know their needs and set the net.

Content producer: content’s making, edit, layout and check, them publish them to public.

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LXDAO 运营小组第一次会议记录:

时间:2023 年 4 月 4 日 20:30-21:30


  1. 运营目标的确认(按优先级排序):新增 buidler、促进活跃用户、辅助项目用户增长
  2. 参与成员身份定位说明:
    Buidler:参与贡献达到一定程度后,申请成为Buidler,且有Buidler Card。
  3. 制定了提案内容部分的分工安排:三支负责用户增长和用户运营的内容撰写,Echo 负责 BD 合作 SOP撰写,Marcus 负责用户活跃度提升的说明。


  1. 各自在第二次会议前完成提案内容的部分,
  2. 第二次会议时间:2023 年 4 月 7 日 9:30

Meeting of the Operations Team of LXDAO:

Date: April 4th, 2023, 20:30-21:30
Participants: Marcus, Sanzhi,and Echo.


  1. The confirmation of the operational goals (in priority order): adding new buidlers, promoting active users, and assisting with the growth of project users.
  2. An explanation of the identity of participating people:
    Fans: All individuals who join LXDAO can enjoy the benefits of LXDAO and be one of community.
    Member: In addition to Fans, individuals who actively participate in the construction of DAO and begin to contribute.
    Buidler: After participating in sufficient contributions, individuals can apply to become buidlers and receive SBT cards.
  3. A distribution arrangement was established for the content writing of the proposal: Sanzhi will be responsible for writing the content related to user growth and user operations, Echo will be responsible for writing the BD cooperation SOP, and Marcus will be responsible for explaining the of User activity.

Next Steps:

  1. Complete the content part of the proposal before the second meeting.
  2. The second meeting will be held on April 7th, 2023 at 9:30 pm. The content will be combined and refined to complete the operational proposal.


  1. 通过 LXDAO 现有内容进行干货输出,吸引对 Web3 感兴趣的人群加入 LXDAO
  2. 对加入 LXDAO 的成员进行身份的明确定位,满足双方的需求,Fans 作为 LXDAO 的支持者,享受 LXDAO 福利和早期产品使用权益,Member 作为 LXDAO 潜在的建设者,LXDAO 将给予学习支持与路径指导,同时创造实践机会。
  3. 做法
    • Web3 优质与资讯相关的内容持续输出与运营,多平台扩展与分发。
    • 用户学习计划的设定与合作。
    • 目标:Q2季度 Buidler 转化 50-100 人,Member 纳新1000人 - DC,Fans - 5000人(涨粉5k)- Twitter,学习实践计划活动启动。


  1. 目的:
    • 引入web3的项目机会及物质激励,给LXDAO提供对外项目合作机会(大项目)
    • 同时也给Buidler提供丰富的Web3实操上手经历(大项目+小项目)
    • 通过和流量平台合作,置换流量,引入新Member/Buidler
  2. 做法
    • 大项目包括和主流的公链、项目方、基金(如项目方需要市值1亿美金以上?)合作。BD主动reach out,合作伙伴关系目前包括以太坊基金会/scroll,目标可定位Q2每月新增一个大项目进行合作
    • 小项目包括上述标准之外的所有项目方,如国内其他DAO。BD不会主动reach out,但可以协助梳理BD List,外部项目方找过来时首先由于BD对接,明确需求,如果有深度合作(如项目开发)则经过专家小组审核,如果日常合作(如ama)交给运营对接即可 - Pr 宣发(经费)
    • 和Web2或Web3流量平台(如即刻/bnb)合作,基于Campaign或者合作做品宣,吸引用户入驻LXDAO。1 个

Project 增长

(优先级,focus 在1-2个项目,对接到项目增长具体的运营负责人。)

  1. 培养 or 找到项目增长的人才。
  2. PR



  1. 在 LXDAO 参与项目 80% - 结果-找 PM 拿表,参与时长,激励总和 LXP 和 U

  2. 治理投票 20%(参与工作分类发送特定的Poap )

    • 社区活跃度(社区会议,DC 打卡,论坛项目讨论)
    • 项目参与度:固定岗位,赏金任务,报酬数量
    • 治理率
    • 提案发起率
    Name Number ratio Goal
    参与项目的人数 22+10(Core member) 59% 50-60
    参与社区活跃的人数A(社区会议)(大于 10) 11+10 38% 35-40
    参与社区活跃的人数A(社区会议)(大于 2) 25+10 64% 50-60
    提案发起人数 9 16%
    参与治理的人数 LIP0 后 2 次提案 40%(23+17/54*2)

好的生态是维持团队发展的基石,加油加油加油,期待LXDAO新赛道 :hugs:

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根据 2023 年 LXDAO 的目标:30+ Projects,230+ Buidlers,100k+ influences,根据当前的 11+ Projects,50+ Buidlers,12k+ influences,Q1(4月-6月) - Q2(7月-9月) - Q3(10月-12月),运营目标拆解到每个季度为6+ Projects,60+ Buidlers,30k+ influences


  1. 成员新增:60+,Buidler 的身份由治理小组确认,运营小组提供 Pre - Buidler(Buidler候选人) 60人-把控质量,Member 120人。
  2. 发起学习实践活动 x 1
  3. 提升品牌影响力
    1. 拓展B端合作:大合作方 x 1,BD流量平台 x 1,
    2. 粉丝增长:
      1. Twitter:待定
      2. 其他平台:待定
  4. 协助新增项目 x 待定
    1. 新增的项目可以为设计项目、研发项目、市场营销与运营、内容等。
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