Recently, the renewal of multi-signature (multi-signature term of half a year) will be started, and this proposal will elect the quota for multi-signature holders.
Number of signers
There are 7 owners for the Multi-Sig (Gnosis) Wallet. Every transaction requires the confirmation of 4 out of 7 owners.
Requirements for being a Mult-Sig Owner
Multi-Sig owners should have a fast response time to avoid financial bottlenecks. They also need to be experienced in the LXDAO
For that reason, To become a Multi-Sig you need to meet the following requirements
- Need to be experienced in the LXDAO
- Buidler or pre-investor
Mult-Sig Owner Rotation Time
Mult-Sig Owner rotates every six months, subject to the approval of a proposal
Treasure Public Notice
The financial situation is open and transparent on the blockchain, with monthly statistical reports on financial expenditures and revenues, which are published in the LXDAO
Multi-signature election process
- Forum submission of applications
- Forum vote to determine multi-signature candidates
- Snapshot proposal
Multi-signer applications/nominations
- Your member profile
- Your introduction
Some multi-signatories proposed to adjust the 7-digit multi-signatory to 5-digit multi-signatory.
- 3/5
- 4/7
0 voters