Lxdao 新人体验的一些疑惑

Hello 大家好我是tongtong,是一个刚接触LXDAO的新人,在了解的过程中遇到了一些疑惑。在此抛砖引玉,抛出从我自身角度出发的一些困惑,希望可以有所帮助~ 更好的引导其他新人了解LXDAO。


  • 初次申请加入没有通过,得知可以实际参与做一些事情和贡献再次申请。例如浏览论坛,参与想法和新项目的讨论,贡献自己的想法。


  • 浏览forum时发现项目没有展示所处的阶段,不知道是否还在进行中,以及是否需要贡献。

  • 同时forum上关于项目的信息较少,例如这个项目好像讨论了一半之后就没有了。不知道后续是否还在进行,以及在哪里进行。Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform

  • 因为不知道项目所处的阶段和近况,因此不知道如何参与和贡献

  • 总的来说,作为外部的新人,在了解和参与上门槛较高。但这或许和LXDAO设计的机制有关?外部的新人要怎么onboarding?是否应该有onboarding?


  • 项目按照所处阶段排列,方便内部管理和外部了解

  • 讨论是否引入外部新人onboarding 机制。外部新人 onboarding 机制可以增加LXDAO的影响力和规模,相对的也需要消耗一部分人员去执行。关键问题可能是:是否要做?什么形式做?怎么和通过申请的人作区分?


这个问题,之前就提到过,关于 member 参与方式其实比较模糊,陌生 Buidler 怎么才能通过审核的条件也不是不明确,这个运营这边需要大家把这个界限明确好这个后,才能更好的引导新人。

没有做什么事情的任何人都可以是 member 这个定义,就会导致 member 没有什么参与感。之前提到的填写一份“介绍卡”,这种 用户行为 其实可以提高参与感。

另外就是,Buidler 参与机制,虽然是说开放了入口,参与项目参与贡献就可以容易申请通过,但是项目 PM 一般也是倾向找 buidler,所以这一部分,也还需要更明确一下,参与开发项目是一方面,详细的自我介绍、过往介绍,还有什么也是可以?

Good question, I think we are missing two features or mechanisms:

Projects’ open tasks and progress

At the moment, from our official website, we cannot find those active projects and WHICH projects need WHAT help.

We might need to list active development projects and their status. Also, give more information about what we are currently working on and the resources we need, including developers, operators, grants, etc.

We are trying to use https://app.dework.xyz/lxdao to show the tasks we are working on or the help we need. But the official website should integrate with it, let’s see.

Member onboarding system

A well-designed page for showing how LXDAO works and tasks, make contributions first then apply to join LXDAO.

Introduce LXDAO products and let them experience those projects.

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Things new people can do when they first join LXDAO

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. View the Newcomer Guide on notion
  3. View weekly progress and see project updates
  4. Join Discord and discuss with others

The forum has a self-introduction board, you can briefly introduce yourself here to facilitate everyone to know

We have put together a newcomer’s guide on notion

Here are weekly updates on the progress of the project

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  • 浏览forum时发现项目没有展示所处的阶段,不知道是否还在进行中,以及是否需要贡献。
  • 同时forum上关于项目的信息较少,例如这个项目好像讨论了一半之后就没有了。不知道后续是否还在进行,以及在哪里进行。Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform
  • 因为不知道项目所处的阶段和近况,因此不知道如何参与和贡献
  • 总的来说,作为外部的新人,在了解和参与上门槛较高。但这或许和LXDAO设计的机制有关?外部的新人要怎么onboarding?是否应该有onboarding?

Weekly has weekly progress on projects that are currently in progress, so you can see the progress of the projects you care about

同时forum上关于项目的信息较少,例如这个项目好像讨论了一半之后就没有了。不知道后续是否还在进行,以及在哪里进行。[Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform]

Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform
This project did not continue to move forward due to lack of buidler interest or lack of prep
About the identified project, it has to go through the voting process from idea to soft proposal to hard proposal
you can view it here

You can join DC or wechat to get real-time updates and connect with other members
We’ve also been thinking about a way to make it easier for people to see what they’re contributing to
External newcomers can join by participating in the following ways

  1. introduce yourself in the forum and express your interest in a project, a member or PM will contact you
  2. join the community to keep active, so that people pay attention to you
  3. Click join us on the official website of lxdao, fill out the application form, become a buidler, and become an official buidler through onboarding

Simply put, contribution and activity is the first way to let others know

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先参与community call 了解下