Forge Group Weekly#3 in S10

Date: 24th Sep. 2024, Tue
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Time zone: Beijing Time (UTC+8)

Meeting Links: (Join conversation


  1. Optimism, Arbitrum, Gitcoin threads collected, to be released to the community this week.
  2. Project daily update sharing
  3. Fs: technical solutions and scheduling
  4. Wild LX: framework plan
    Wild lx Research Proposal (Wild lx 研究报告提案)
  5. project/virtual team creation, scoring criteria

Project Update

  • FairSharing
  • NanTang DAO
  • ETHpanda Product
  • IntensiveCoLearning
  • CryptoDCA

External Ecological Research

  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum
  • Gitcoin

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