Decentralized selling of your NFT EIP

ATM, if you want to sell your NFTs, you need to do the following:

  • Find one or more centralized NFT Marketplaces
  • Pay the gas fee to approve your NFT to each Marketplace’s contract, and set the price
  • Waiting to be sold, and NFT Marketplace gets the service fees and sends the royalty fee to the creator based on the NFT contract settings, then give you the rest

If you want to update your price info:

  • Update your NFT on every NFT Marketplace you submitted and approved before (otherwise, someone might buy your NFT from a lower price Marketplace)

Overall, there are many issues with this workflow:

  1. Centralize! NFT Marketplace normally is centralized and “controls” your NFT Prices. Imagine they put your NFT on the top of the homepage… And traffic might go into top NFT Marketplaces, making them monopoly the market.
  2. In the future, there might be 1000 NFT Marketplaces. You cannot approve 1000 times to each NFT Marketplace, but you want to tell everyone you want to sell this NFT ASAP.
  3. You need to pay for a lot of gas fees if you want to add or update your NFT info on Marketplaces.

A solution in my mind:

  1. Make an NFT extension EIP that provides the selling info standard, for example, a mapping to save listing information
  2. Send Events when listing or updating an NFT
  3. NFT Marketplaces reads and display listing NFTs
  4. Sold! (Need a solution for approve part)

Leave your idea.

这样的话,可能即使在 nft market 里出现,也不是通过 nft market 成交的,而是通过 这个 nft 本身的合约成交的,所以也不需要什么 approve。不过这样带来了新的问题,nft market 没有动机为你提供索引服务。


  1. gas 消耗问题,需要采用链上交互完成 list、buy、bid 等操作,gas消耗将会比在交易市场更高,可能至少是2倍。
  2. 前面说的动机问题,nft market 可能不会提供这个索引,而且实现的成本也比较高,没有利益动机。
  3. 手续费问题,项目方可以收取手续费,但是 marketplace 很难从这个过程中收取费用。

不过为 nft 项目提供一个简单的挂单和购买的能力和一个简单的前端 marketplace 我觉得是 ok 的。


In this case, even if it appears in the nft market, it may not be traded through the nft market, but through the contract of the nft itself, so there is no need for any approve. But this brings new problems, nft market has no incentive to provide you with indexing services.

Additional questions:

  1. The problem of gas consumption requires on-chain interaction to complete operations such as list, buy, and bid. The gas consumption will be higher than that in the trading market, and may be at least 2 times.
  2. For the motivation problem mentioned above, the nft market may not provide this index, and the cost of implementation is relatively high, and there is no profit motive.
  3. Regarding handling fees, the project party can charge handling fees, but it is difficult for the marketplace to collect fees from this process.

However, I think it is ok to provide a simple ability to place orders and purchases and a simple front-end marketplace for nft projects.

In fact, it is not a trading market for individuals in essence, but a trading market for project contracts.

  1. Will make a demo contract and measure the differences, but I think it’s OK, and sooner or later, the gas fee won’t be a problem.
  2. NFT Marketplace might not need it, but NFT aggregators need it. More and more users moved to NFT aggregators.

From the decentralization and Web3 Native perspective, we DO NOT need or like NFT Marketplace like OpenSea. We want to sell NFTs anywhere rather than one or two top NFT Marketplaces.

I think Wallets like MetaMask might benefit from it. Let’s imagine the future: users manage their Tokens and NFTs in their wallets. If they want to “sell” tokens, they can swap; if they want to sell NFTs, click list and set a proper price (might be Market Order or Limit Order), then just need to leave it there and wait to be sold.

This is like a broadcast for selling my NFTs to the whole network. Different types of NFT Marketplaces can decide to list what type of NFTs, for example, for artists, they can list arts. And NFT Marketplaces or aggregators who provide better user experience or features can get users.

Speaking about the fees to NFT Marketplace, we can think about it and create a mechanism for it, it’s fair and more sustainable.

BTW, we might use it to handle Stolen NFTs as well. At the moment, if your NFT has been stolen, you need to contact every NFT marketplace to ban it. But now, you can contact the community and the NFT Contract owner can forbid listing it until it’s returned.

CryptoPunk integrated with a simple Marketplace feature (because there is no marketplaces back then).

We can also provide OpenSource simple NFT Marketplace program for everyone to self-host an NFT Marketplace for their NFT Project. Just put the contact address to the env and npm run start.


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:12

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:13


Y 2023/01/13 17:14


Y 2023/01/13 17:14


S 2023/01/13 17:14

对,最初的 NFT 都是带交易功能的

1998 2023/01/13 17:15


1998 2023/01/13 17:16

那时候还没有 opensea。。只能在合约里交易

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:16

那可以联合 cryptopunk 社区一起搞

1998 2023/01/13 17:19


1998 2023/01/13 17:20


  1. 省钱

  2. 能卖出去有曝光度

  3. 少交手续费

S 2023/01/13 17:21


Y 2023/01/13 17:22


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:22

未来可能有 1000 个 NFT 交易所,作为出售者,我不想 approve 1000 次,但是想尽最大量曝光自己想要出售自己的 NFT

Y 2023/01/13 17:22



SP 2023/01/13 17:23


S 2023/01/13 17:23

只 approve 流动性最好的就可以,我最近只在 blur 上挂单了

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:23

而且我也不一定愿意让市场强行收我 2.5% 的手续费,然后分一些版税出去。

SP 2023/01/13 17:23


Y 2023/01/13 17:23


S 2023/01/13 17:24


Y 2023/01/13 17:24


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:25

感觉不太去中心化,还是得靠这种 Web2.5 的平台

SP 2023/01/13 17:26

但你call 这个合约前需要approve?

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:26


Y 2023/01/13 17:27


SP 2023/01/13 17:27


1998 2023/01/13 17:27

blur 就可以满足的,

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:27

过渡期有 OpenSea 没问题,要是 100 年后还有,去中心化似乎没那么令人期待了[破涕为笑]

1998 2023/01/13 17:28

blur 可以做 N个平台的挂单,另外 blur 手续费也很低

1998 2023/01/13 17:28


1998 2023/01/13 17:31


1998 2023/01/13 17:31


1998 2023/01/13 17:31


1998 2023/01/13 17:31


1998 2023/01/13 17:32


S 2023/01/13 17:32

去中心化的同时要能解决痛点和需求,如果只是单纯去中心化但是比 Web2 成本高应该还是只能在一个小圈子里玩。比如 Uniswap vs CEX,大部分人交易主流币还是会选择币安因为摩擦成本低、流动性好,Uniswap 更多的用来交易长尾的、CEX 无法交易的 token,如果能做到 Uniswap 手续费比币安低,用户自然会过来,然后 Web3 就会胜出。但目前还不到这个阶段

1998 2023/01/13 17:32


1998 2023/01/13 17:32

不过这可能不适合作为一个 eip

1998 2023/01/13 17:33


S 2023/01/13 17:37

前几天我的 0N1 都是在 Blur 卖的,很爽

1998 2023/01/13 17:37

1998 2023/01/13 17:38

blur 如果也开始收手续费了,还会有下一个平台出现

1998 2023/01/13 17:38


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:38

感觉目前开发者的想象力过度的被 gas fee 限制住了,我感觉应用层或者协议层开发者不需要过度考虑 gas fee,实现的时候再说好了。要么等等以太坊升级或者直接找个 L2 或者其他低 gas 公链部署好了。去中心化 NFT 交易的痛点就是解决一家独大的 NFT Marketplace 对自由市场的控制,跟 CEX、银行、zf 一样的。比如 OS 可以下架你的 NFT,也可以推荐到首页,然后内部员工可以偷偷建老鼠仓。

1998 2023/01/13 17:39

blur 的bid很快,发起和取消就是点两下,这个就让用户觉得很爽

1998 2023/01/13 17:39

也省钱,cancel 不需要花gas了

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:39


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:39

否则其实不需要以太坊,大家都去用一个政府维护的 public database 即可,tps 几十万

Y 2023/01/13 17:40


1998 2023/01/13 17:40


S 2023/01/13 17:41


S 2023/01/13 17:43


S 2023/01/13 17:43

可能就是 Layer2 和 zk 要解决的问题

1998 2023/01/13 17:43

不过未来可能会没有gas的问题,不过从不可能三角的角度来看,挺难的,以太坊升级这么久也没变的更便宜的[捂脸] 不像网速和集成电路的发展

S 2023/01/13 17:43

StarkNet 可能是一个好的方向

S 2023/01/13 17:44


1998 2023/01/13 17:44

以后L2可能会出现交易市场,不过好麻烦啊,资产是一定要保存在 L1的

1998 2023/01/13 17:44

我要交易,还要把资产转移到 L2.。

1998 2023/01/13 17:44


1998 2023/01/13 17:45

未来 L2 的交易市场是怎么运作的

Y 2023/01/13 17:45


Y 2023/01/13 17:45


1998 2023/01/13 17:45


Y 2023/01/13 17:46


1998 2023/01/13 17:46


1998 2023/01/13 17:46


1998 2023/01/13 17:47


Y 2023/01/13 17:47


1998 2023/01/13 17:48


Y 2023/01/13 17:49

我记得是optimism 要7天,zk是实时吧,可能要查一下

SP 2023/01/13 17:50


1998 2023/01/13 17:51


Bruce 2023/01/13 17:51




去中心化存储烂的一批,IPFS 加载半天不出来,AR 要比 S3 贵好几倍。但还是要做,随着技术发展硬件提升,或许就能追平了。

以太坊直接没法用,存个资产还行,交易哪怕是转账都跟传统银行没法比,但是还是要做,L1 不行 L2。

交易所,Uniswap 手续费毫无竞争力,跟 CEX 没法比,不过还是在做,最近 FTX 已经让大家看到了 DEX 的安全性和透明性了。

NFT 交易所 _____ 可能我这个思路不一定对或者可行,那么就换一个更好的

Bruce 2023/01/13 17:52

研究出来就是下一个 uniswap 啦

S 2023/01/13 17:59

嗯,我觉得 Uniswap 能出来主要是他的创新解决了一定的市场需求:

  1. AMM 自动做市解决流动性问题

  2. 任何人都可以自己在上面发币,任何人可以自由交易,用户可以买到 CEX 买不到的币,同时缩短了项目方的上币周期,提高了市场的效率

核心来看,就是解决普通的 trader、项目方、VC 的一些痛点和需求

如果我们要做一个去中心化的 NFT 交易所,那么应该关注的也是如何来解决当然市场广大用户们遇到的问题和需要解决的需求

S 2023/01/13 18:00


1998 2023/01/13 18:01

uniswap 是有明确的目标用户和诉求的,他其实打的不是未来以太坊发展的预期,是现在就有部分交易和人群对其有核心诉求(相比币安之类的)

opensea 和中心化交易所最大的不同是,你的资产还是在链上的,从这点来说,opensea 其实和 uniswap 更像,只是他的订单撮合过程是在链下的,但是成交还是链上的,资产也在链上交换,只是opensea由一个公司集中化运营,大家的交易依赖强依赖这个公司,不过另一个好的方向是,这种交易所并不是垄断的,随时都可以有一个新的公司做一个新的 marketplace,这样这个世界的 nft 交易就不会因为某个实体的消失或者作恶,而崩溃。

1998 2023/01/13 18:01


1998 2023/01/13 18:01


S 2023/01/13 18:02

我觉得对于 NFT 交易来说,核心需求就是解决流动性和摩擦成本问题

S 2023/01/13 18:03


Bruce 2023/01/13 18:05


1998 2023/01/13 18:05


1998 2023/01/13 18:05


Bruce 2023/01/13 18:05


1998 2023/01/13 18:06

opensea 首页的曝光,其实对项目基本没有帮助,我之前观察,上首页的地板价并不会变高。。

SP 2023/01/13 18:07


SP 2023/01/13 18:07


1998 2023/01/13 18:09


S 2023/01/13 18:11


S 2023/01/13 18:11

比如碎片化池子、Sudoswap 那个 AMM

S 2023/01/13 18:11


1998 2023/01/13 18:12


1998 2023/01/13 18:12


SP 2023/01/13 18:15


1998 2023/01/13 18:16

我还是觉得思路换一下比较好,做一个帮助个人之间交易 NFT ,或者项目内部交易 NFT 的基础合约和配套前端。而不是去颠覆现有的 NFT 主流交易模式

1998 2023/01/13 18:17

做出来讲个故事还可以,不过我看现在那些链上交换交易 NFT 的工具,用的人也很少,因为需要在链下撮合好,直接走最后一步担保交易,这样的场景还是太少了,而且很难形成“市场”,没有规模化效应

1998 2023/01/13 18:20

麻蛋,blur 上扫0.0x的项目还不划算,扫个德宝 0.08,gas 就要0.006,瞬间价格变成 0.086

V 2023/01/13 18:20

是的,nfttrader 这种很小众

1998 2023/01/13 18:20


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Existing EIP Proposal for ERC721 Marketplace extension by lambdalf-dev · Pull Request #6105 · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub

And implementation GitHub - 5660-eth/ERC721YY: No Intermediary NFT Trading Protocol

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