This Week:
- Submitted MyFirstLayer2 deck to ESP
- Collaboration with: moledao, Afflux, Mail3, 8DAO, and CATASTROPHY
- 3 Box School product sharing and brainstorming
- A few new ideas coming from the community:
- Web3FansClub and LXDAO
- Decentralized selling of your NFT EIP - #8 by Bruce_LXDAO
- Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform - #12 by Bruce_LXDAO
- Google Calendar or Events Decentralized Management Solution - #3 by Bruce_LXDAO
- ZK-based Anonymous Vote System - #3 by zircon.eth
- EIPs for human project - #2 by Bruce_LXDAO
Next Week:
- Continue working on the LXDAO Financing Deck
- Collaborate with more partners, follow up on new ideas
Onboarding committee
This Week:
- 1 buidler joined LXDAO. Welcome: AnImpro
- Discussed onboarding and the member system
Next Week:
- Routine Onboarding Work
- Develop self-onboarding UI
MobyMask Improvement
This Week:
- FrontEnd is finished about 55%, and the online preview page is https://mobymask-ui.vercel.app/
- Worked on the Backend and Data Layer solution, found some issues, and contacted the Laconic team for help. It’s really hard for us to build a testing environment and business logic based on Laconic quickly. It’s a blocker now
Next Week:
- Finish FrontEnd part of the work, except integration with Laconic
- Start coding the extension
- Build the data layer and testing environment with Laconic’s help
This week:
- Brainstorm for the new product, and DaoDAO is preparing the new proposal for it
- Brainstorm note is here: Donate3 MVP产品脑暴后产品功能清单 - #2 by daodao
Next Week:
- Submit the new proposal and redesign the product based on it
This Week:
- 将 MyFirstLayer2 套牌提交给 ESP
- 合作对象:moledao、Afflux、Mail3、8DAO 和 CATASTROPHY
- 3 Box School 产品分享与头脑风暴
- 来自社区的一些新想法:
- Web3FansClub and LXDAO
- Decentralized selling of your NFT EIP - #8 by Bruce_LXDAO
- Web3 task bounty and task acceleration platform - #12 by Bruce_LXDAO
- Google Calendar or Events Decentralized Management Solution - #3 by Bruce_LXDAO
- ZK-based Anonymous Vote System - #3 by zircon.eth
- EIPs for human project - #2 by Bruce_LXDAO
Next Week:
- 继续推进 LXDAO 的融资准备工作
- 继续建立更多合作,持续打磨新的想法
Onboarding committee
This Week:
- 1 位开发者加入了 LXDAO。 欢迎:AnImpro
- 讨论 Onboarding 和会员制度
Next Week:
- 日常入职工作
- 开发 self-onboarding UI
MobyMask Improvement
This Week:
- FrontEnd 完成 55% 左右,在线预览页面为 https://mobymask-ui.vercel.app/
- 在后端和数据层解决方案上工作,发现了一些问题,并联系了 Laconic 团队寻求帮助。 我们很难快速基于 Laconic 搭建测试环境和业务逻辑。 目前卡进度
Next Week:
- 完成前端部分工作,除了与 Laconic 的集成
- 开始编码扩展
- 在 Laconic 的帮助下搭建数据层和测试环境
This Week:
- 为新产品进行头脑风暴,DaoDAO正在为它准备新提案
- 头脑风暴笔记在这里:Donate3 MVP产品脑暴后产品功能清单 - #2 by daodao
Next Week:
- 提交新提案并据此重新设计产品