Collect, consolidate, and research RFPs (Requests for Proposals) from various funds or ecosystems, and then conduct analysis aka

LXDAO has previously focused on developing and researching projects from its own perspective, but has actually lacked research and development based on ecosystem needs.

RFP (Request for Proposals) refers to the recent expectations or requirements from various ecosystems, particularly from some foundations that publish directions to help people come up with ideas and also make it easier to obtain grants.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to collect and organize relevant RFPs. Then, Forge will analyze them, and everyone can brainstorm to produce results that not only align with LXDAO’s core mission but also benefit the ecosystem, achieving a “1 + 1 > 2” effect.

Sources and references:

LXDAO 之前侧重在从自身角度出发进行一些项目的研发和研究,实际上缺乏对于生态的需求的研究和开发。

RFP = Request for Proposals 就是各个生态他们最近期待的或者需要的东西,尤其是一些基金会,会发布一些方向方便大家构思一些 idea 等,同时也会更容易的获得一些 grants。

所以我们有必要汇总和收集整理相关 RFP,然后由 Forge 进行分析,大家进行脑爆,产出既符合 LXDAO 核心路线的,又可以帮到生态的,实现 1 + 1 大于 2 的效果。



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注册了 这个平台,方便进行记录和索引相关项目和想法

The Forge group is doing the same thing regarding Grants focus on different ecologies, project analysis, RFP analysis, etc.

I think the preliminaries can be qualitatively analysed by the Forge team, and it’s a worthwhile discussion later on how to keep the content open and attract more people to the editorship

Might be good to create a category on forum for the research output for now, later we could build a website for hosting those ideas better.

When will “” be launched? Looking forward to it.

already launched, it will be a category on the forum