After six months of operation, the Wild LX group has received positive feedback from the community. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s attention, support, and valuable suggestions! In the upcoming S11 season, we plan to continue our efforts while addressing some of the issues identified earlier.
Issues Recap:
- Low community engagement: The main participants in the group are Tiao and Elsa. Although we invited other members to participate in collaborative translation, their involvement in depth and breadth needs improvement. This quarter, we aim to encourage more members to participate and transition from being members to becoming active builders.
- Lack of systematic translation topics: In the past, our article selection based on trending topics seemed somewhat random, resulting in a lack of thematic consistency over the quarter.
- Casual group name: We plan to rename the group for clarity and simplicity. For now, we propose calling it the “Translation Group.”
Why the Translation Group is Necessary:
- Enhancing new member participation: It helps new members familiarize themselves with LXDAO’s mechanisms and increases their activity within the community.
- Learning foundational Web3 knowledge: It accelerates the onboarding process for new members, enabling them to integrate into the community more effectively.
Proposed Improvements:
- Serving this quarter’s themes:
This quarter, we will focus on LXDAO’s two primary themes: Coordination and Mass Adoption. We will curate articles aligned with these themes, build a translation library, and publish tasks on the Bounty Task for new members to claim. Priority will be given to members who have not yet earned a Builder Card. Translators are encouraged to include personal insights and related knowledge expansions in their work. Translations will be shared in weekly meetings to foster discussion and learning. - Open Call for Submissions: We will collect original articles from both inside and outside the community. Topics will focus on “Coordination” and “Mass Adoption” and may cover both technical and humanistic perspectives.
- Providing systematic learning resources: We will actively seek and share relevant, theme-aligned materials, such as podcasts and interviews, to create a more structured learning environment.
Budget and Responsibilities:
- Main member: Elsa, will oversee article selection, communication, and delivery. Budget: 15 LXPU/hour, 10 hours/week, totaling 600 LXPU/month.
- Translated Articles: Compensation: 10 LXPU per 1,000 Chinese characters, 1 article/week. Total: 200 LXPU/month.
- Original Articles: 100 LXPU per article (minimum 2,000 words). Basic rewards + retroactive incentives, 2 articles/month. Total: 200 LXPU/month.
- Recommended Materials: Members can recommend relevant articles, videos, podcasts, or interviews. Bountry: 10 LXPU per recommendation.
Total Budget: Approximately 1,000 LXPU/month (LXPU:U = 2:8).
Call for Support:
To ensure smooth operations, we need assistance from the BD team and other groups in the following areas: Securing author permissions, reviewing content quality and providing any necessary guidance and suggestions. We deeply appreciate the past and future support from all LXers!
Through these optimizations, we aim to enhance new member engagement and encourage more people to contribute to LXDAO’s growth.
What do you think about these directions? Are they actionable? Do you foresee any other issues or have suggestions? Please feel free to share your thoughts anytime!
Wild LX 翻译小组 S11 提案
经过半年的运行,Wild LX 小组得到了社区的一些积极反馈,非常感谢大家的关注、支持和宝贵建议!在接下来的 S11 季度,我们将继续努力,并针对之前的一些问题进行整改。
- 社区参与度不足:小组主要参与者是 Tiao 和 Elsa,虽然我们邀请了其他成员参与协作翻译,但是他们参与的深度和广度还需要提高。因此,本季度我们将着力鼓励更多成员的参与,并确保他们由参与者成为建设者。
- 翻译选题缺乏系统化:过去我们根据热点选择文章的方式显得有些随机,整个季度的文章缺乏系统性。
- 小组名称较为随意:我们计划更改小组名称,简单直白就叫“翻译小组”。
- 提高新成员参与感,熟悉 LXDAO 机制,提高活跃度。
- 学习基础的 Web3 知识,加速新成员的融入。
- 服务于本季度主题:本季度我们将围绕 LXDAO 两大主题——协调(coordination)和 应用(Mass adoption)选择文章。我们将选择符合这些主题的文章,建立翻译库并发布在赏金板(Bounty Task)上,供新成员认领。优先考虑尚未获得 Builder Card 的新成员。译文鼓励加入个人理解和知识拓展,文章发布后将在周会上进行分享。
- 公开征稿:我们将在社区内外征集原创文章,主题为“协调”和“应用”,涵盖技术和人文类内容。
- 我会努力寻找一些契合主题的系统化的学习材料,比如播客,访谈。
- 主要负责人:Elsa 负责小组筛选文章、沟通和交付工作,预算为 15 LXPU/h。工作时间 10h/周,共 600 LXPU/月。
- 翻译文章:按照汉字计算,千字 10 LXPU。一周一篇。预计共 200 LXPU/月
- 原创文章:100 LXPU/篇,2000字以上。基础奖励+回溯性激励。预计每月 2 篇,共200 LXPU/月。
- 推荐文章:欢迎推荐合适的文章,10 LXPU/篇。题材不限:文章、视频、播客、访谈等。
总预算:预计 1000 LXPU/月, LXP:U=2:8
为了工作的更好开展,我们需要 BD 小组以及各小组的帮助。帮助取得原作者授权,帮助审核内容质量,帮助提供任何可能的指导和建议。 感谢各位 LXers 过去的支持和未来的支持!
通过这些优化,我们希望能够提高新成员的活跃度,推动更多人参与到 LXDAO 的建设中。
更新 翻译小组 S11 提案
S11 专注于翻译,做好 LXDAO 内翻译事项的同时,会承接外部需求。
流程上,LXDAO 内部翻译材料的选择需全社区共同努力,需要大家提名和投票,共同决定
预计:1000 LXPU/月
南塘 DAO 和 LXDAO 翻译小组的合作
目前南塘 DAO 有一些资料需要借助 LXDAO 翻译小组的资源和 LXDAO 官网 bounty task 平台。
此次翻译的预算由南塘 DAO 出资,所以南塘的要求是:仅限于南塘 DAO 成员认领,我觉得这个也是可以的,但是由于 LXDAO 的 Bounty Task 平台是公开透明的,为避免产生误解,所以翻译小组发布任务的时候,会注明此限制条件,告知想要领取任务的成员。
南塘 DAO 的另一个要求是想要以 LXPU 的形式支付。LXDAO 目前的激励形式是 80% 的 U,20% 的 LXP。因为 LXP 是有价值的,并不能随意分发,这点已和南塘 DAO 沟通,他们可以以 U 或 ETH 来支付 LXP。
我觉得这种合作形式很新颖,南塘 DAO 只是一个案例,后面可能有其他机构也来这样合作,所以我们可以讨论一下,形成共识。
LXP 关乎每个社区成员利益,需要社区讨论:关于此合作可行吗?合适的兑换比例是多少?
我个人觉得可以 1 LXP=1U 的方式来,筹集到的 U 归 LXDAO 国库