

  1. 社区成员之间有conflict,如何处理?
ⅰ. 提问题要具体,提完也要建设
ⅱ. 争论设定期限:5min,超过10min就暂时搁置,以后再讨论
ⅲ. 有争论时候,每人论证自己的各自5min,其他人投票定谁更有理,然后设定结论,close话题
ⅳ. 明确责任边界:提的问题只是建议,是否采纳如何采纳由owner自己决定,双方互不干涉
ⅴ. 有明显情绪时(以听众感受判断为准),立刻停止,defer到以后讨论(此时不适合了)
ⅵ. 心态:感恩的心,贡献不易,友谊不易,珍惜缘分,感谢他人的贡献

ⅶ. DO NOT:

  • “我不满意”
  • 带强烈个人情绪的表达
  • 人身攻击(严重的可以投票驱逐社区)

ⅷ. DO:

  • 如果是我,我会这么做
  • 咱们的工作focus是什么?
  • 我的一点经验是xx
  1. 如何coordinate不同人的不同诉求?
    a. Align vision/mission/value
    b. Align principles
    ⅰ. human first, community first
    ⅱ. 不内卷
    ⅲ. 公平
    ⅳ. 尊重
  1. 如何保持开放(人进来,事情),但又不内卷,不打击热情,但做事要专业科学?

a. 一起做大pie,不一直纠结如何分pie

  1. social layer的本质:

a. 构建社区成员之间的trust,shared meme/language/value/mission/vision
b. 透过一起做事作为抓手:一起学习by building(workshop)、一起做产品(projects)、一起分享(sharing session,茶话会)、一起talk(LXTalk)


Very well written! People with different backgrounds have different ways of thinking. I myself study business and come from the market. I like to tease, and my expression is more “exaggerated”. I like to talk about strategy and system thinking. “Criticism”, I dare not make a high profile, hahaha.

I think it’s better for everyone to learn from each other’s strengths, complement each other, and learn from each other! LXDAO’s technical geek atmosphere is great, but business strategic thinking needs to be strengthened. To succeed in entrepreneurship, technology, market, strategy, and team are all indispensable.