The next version of MyFirstNFT?

We have open-sourced all code of MyFirstNFT:

After some discussion, the general idea of MyFirstNFT season 2 will be:

  • Add how to develop NFTs tutorial (from a developer’s perspective)
  • Buidl a roadmap on the page, show a clear structure and roadmap so that users can easy to track their progress, for example
  • After finishing, get an SBT certificate.
  • Add more CC0 NFTs to mint, like nouns, mfers, moonbirds, etc
  • Add how to trade NFT part of content, like how to trade on OpenSea, etc
  • Improve information structure, and prepare for the later MyFirstxxx products
  • SEO improvements and operations for letting more people know NFTs

Our target is a One-stop NFT knowledge-sharing platform. Anyone interested in NFT, just open and they can get everything they need to know. And the content is written and maintained by the community to make sure the quality and

I’m making more detailed plans on this and will write down or invite tech writers to build outlines together and make a proposal. In the meantime, I will submit grant applications to see how much we can get and determine how many features or resources we need.

My estimation is:

  • Duration: 3 months
  • Grants: less than 50K USDC or equal tokens
  • Buidlers: 1 Product Manager + 1 Designer + 2 FrontEnd Developers + 1~2 Content creators + 1 Operator

Simple version:

  • Duration: 3 months
  • Grants: 30K USDC or equal tokens
  • Buidlers: 1 Product Manager + 1 Designer + 1 FrontEnd Developer + 1 Content creator

After confirming the details, I will make a proposal and give it to the community to vote. Stay tuned!

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