Staking for Public Goods

The current source of funding for public goods is relatively single and unstable, and grants are also difficult to sustain. Defi in Web3 is a good financial innovation. Can public goods obtain funding sources by providing staking services? There are several benefits to doing so:

  1. Can obtain continuous and stable cash flow
  2. It can enhance the influence of public goods

Here are some attempts of projects:Public Good Staking · Dora Factory

staking for public goods 和募捐的唯一区别是,捐赠人不需要直接把资金给出来,而是把资金的收益拿出来,而收益假设为 10%,需要募集到的质押资金规模为捐赠的十倍才能打平,难度并不比直接募资来的小

  1. 是否可以质押 RetroPGF 获取到的 OP
  2. OP 质押 APY 低
  3. OP 是否可以换成其他的 token