Research IPFS Project

Assignee: @Nick

Researching IPFS

What is IPFS?
How does the pin work?
How to migrate multiple pinata pinned IPFS files?

Feel free to ask or leave more questions to the topic.


How IPFS Deals With Files - IPFS Camp Workshop

Is there any solution for uploading many files to IPFS? Around 15GB

A most straightforward introduction to how IPFS works.

To reduce gas fee, the ipfs hash are stored on chain use bytes32 instead of string value type.
Refer to solidity - How to store IPFS hash using bytes32? - Ethereum Stack Exchange

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Also found some resources about CID GitHub - multiformats/cid: Self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems

But still don’t know the details and conversion rules, need to do more research and tests.

Maybe that is not a suitable solution.
Content addressing and CIDs | IPFS Docs

Yeah, but for now, v1 can be converted to v0, example here docs: add cidv0 example by alanshaw · Pull Request #991 · nftstorage/ · GitHub

more details about the car docs: add cidv0 example by alanshaw · Pull Request #991 · nftstorage/ · GitHub