Research FLOW grants

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FLOW introduction

low is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly layer-1 blockchain. It was created by Dapper Labs, the team behind CryptoKitties, to solve problems they had scaling CryptoKitties on the Ethereum network.

  • The CTO of Flow, Dieter Shirley, created the ERC-721 NFT standard on Ethereum and coined the term ‘NFT’

Flow aims to be the foundation behind mainstream consumer applications that will scale crypto from its current user base to the billions.

  • So far Flow is mainly using NFTs to do this, however, already we are starting to see the emergence of DAOs, DeFi, and fungible tokens on the network.
  • Despite widespread news coverage, the total number of NFT users across all chains globally remains tiny (according to Cryptoslam, there are roughly around 3.8m buyers and 3.2m sellers in the secondary market). It is possible this user base expands beyond crypto diehards to the >1 billion mainstream users in the coming years, and Flow aims to be at the center base of this.

FLOW Foundation

Blockchain Flow, which underpins the NBA Top Shot, will receive $725 million in investment through a new eco-fund backed by Dapper Ventures, the investment arm of its developer company, and a high-profile investor group that includes a16z, Coatue, and Digital Currency Group

I think it’s very important because it allows for a diversity of thought, and I think it will spawn a more diverse ecosystem," said Mik Naayem, chief commercial officer at Dapper Labs. (The fund) is creating a way for us to provide the support that is in some ways tailored to any type of entrepreneur."

FLOW Technical Requirements

Flow Smart Contract Language is a new programming language Cadence, Flow does not directly support EVM.

About Cadence :

How to study Cadence:

FLOW supports representative projects

Project Type Description Web
MyNFT NFT Marketplace Mynft is a Flow-based NFT platform designed to connect the East and West markets and provide a premium distribution, trading, and social experience for its users.
Blocto Wallet The best blockchain wallets on Flow
NBA Top Shot NFT NBA Top Shot was created by a company called Dapper Labs in partnership with the NBA. It uses blockchain technology to allow users to purchase digital “moments” from NBA games. These moments can be collected or sold on NBA Top Shot’s secondary marketplace
ViV3 NFT Marketplace The first integrated marketplace on Flow. They are a carefully curated marketplace, which means that creators cannot cast their NFTs without the permission of the VIV3 team.

FLOW Grants

The Developer Experience team at Flow oversees the grants program for developers. Grant projects should help accelerate and enhance the process of building and consuming apps on Flow.

Flow grants are mainly aimed at the following types of projects

  • Open source maintenance
  • Developer tools / services
  • Educational material

How are applications evaluated?

We are using the DVF framework to determine how relevant a project is. Specifically, we are looking for:

  • A clear problem statement: What is the evidence showing that it is worth tackling?
  • Technical feasibility and track records of contributors: How likely would this be completed as planned?
  • Impact on the ecosystem: In what ways does this enrich or accelerate other projects?

Who is evaluating them?

Grant proposals are reviewed and approved by the Developer Grant Committee (DGC). The committee consists of individuals who know the funding priorities of the Flow ecosystem.

Web3 jam

TinTinLand and Flow are hosting the blockchain industry’s first Web3 Jam hackathon, running from 17 June to 14 August.

The theme of the Web3 Jam uses NFT+ as the competition track and they are.


· NFT + Game / Entertainment

· NFT + Life / Metaverse


A tool built by the LyricLabs team to help DAO organisations or individuals create recurring / deferred payments, each payment corresponds to an NFT note that entitles the note holder to withdraw the amount of the payment and also to transfer the note NFT to others for the purpose of transferring the interest.


We are committed to providing the most convenient and transparent on-chain token and NFT distribution tools for community operators and DAOs in the Flow ecosystem. Currently supports token drop and NFT lottery, more features are under development.

Relation Club

Relation Club is Chain Native’s NFT community operation tool, which will help NFT creators and NFT holders to run community activities directly in Web3, which will not only ensure the security of user assets, but also facilitate the community operation of creators and open up more scenarios of NFT applications in Web3 Native.

Chain Native provides unique security for Relation Club, eliminating the need to rely on third-party bots for community identity verification and effectively preventing phishing risks. At the same time, Relation Club offers refined operational tools to help project owners reach NFT holders efficiently and track user behaviour on an ongoing basis.


GhostNFT is a no asset transfer, no overcollateralisation, leasing agreement and marketplace for NFT applications. Through an innovative model, it provides a more secure and efficient way to lease NFT. The platform also offers a self-service deployment model, providing application project owners with easy access to their own NFT and third party NFT leases, providing the infrastructure for combinability of NFT applications.


Univoice Leveraging Flow blockchain technology and NLP, it uses voice to build a bridge to the Web3 world, providing personalised and intelligent voice services to individuals and entities. Its core strengths are

  • Based on the Flow public chain, it enables the rapid on-chain authorization and transaction of voiceprint features, and opens up the interaction between voiceprint services and the blockchain.
  • A combination of techniques to achieve effective extraction of vocal features and separation of various acoustic features in speech.
  • Deep learning models are used to transform speech styles, and One-Shot mode is used to reduce the cost of using models.


WoW, nice! Hope you can hold a session for sharing this!