Proposal: Establish PGNode Group


LXDAO is continuously researching the sustainability of public goods. PGNode is a new attempt by LXDAO, which raises sustainable funds for the development of public goods by participating in the construction of the entire ecological infrastructure.

The PGNode model involves becoming a Validator within the ecosystem to obtain sustainable income, a portion of which goes into the public goods funding pool to support the better development of public goods.

Why It’s Feasible

  • Web3 needs a more solid infrastructure to accommodate more users.
  • The Web3 ecosystem requires more neutral and decentralized organizations to participate in governance.
  • The Web3 ecosystem needs more developers and users.

LXDAO’s Advantages

  • LXDAO focuses on the field of public goods and continues to explore sustainable solutions for them.
  • LXDAO is an excellent developer community that can continuously connect the Web3 ecosystem with developers.
  • LXDAO has a good reputation in the Web3 community and is naturally suited to become a validator, participating in the chain’s governance from the perspective of supporters of public goods.


At the current launch stage, PGNode operates in a lightweight manner as a virtual group composed of a PM and a Developer, completing the preparation of early-stage work for PGNode and the construction of some nodes. Later, when entering the formal operation phase, the number of Developers may increase.

The current PM and Developer are registered as a PoC in the Forge group, with an hourly rate of 20LXPU (U:LXP 8:2). After the project is officially established, a fixed position will be set up.

Development Plan

After completing the preparation in the launch phase, the following three development stages will be entered:

Phase One (2024.6 - 2024.12): PoC Concept Validation

In this phase, the main focus is to verify the feasibility of PGNode and to establish deep cooperation with two ecosystems. It is necessary to raise some grants from external sources to support basic server and labor costs.

Key objectives:

  • Deeply cooperate with the chain or foundation, generate revenue by delegating tokens from the foundation, and become a validator for 2+ chains during this phase to obtain funds for sustainable operation.
  • Verify the feasibility and sustainability of funding acquisition and automated distribution.
  • Complete the initial version of the Validator technical plan and ensure the safe and stable operation of the Validator.

Phase Two (2025.1 - 2025.12): Product Implementation

After completing the feasibility verification, begin to expand the scale of Validators, obtain sustainable funding, start international ecosystem business development (BD), initiate the financing process, and expand the team.

Key objectives:

  • Expand the number of Validators to more than 10, obtain additional revenue during this phase, and inject part of the revenue into the public goods funding pool.
  • BD PGNode into international ecosystems, such as Protocol Guild, Gitcoin, etc., to enhance its influence.
  • Complete the process of funding public goods with sustainable funds.
  • Improve the automated distribution plan, and achieve decentralization of the entire process.

Phase Three (2025.12 -): Product and Influence Growth

Complete the construction of a professional team, build PGNode into a decentralized node service, and enhance international influence.

Key objectives:

  • Expand the number of Validators to more than 20.
  • Improve the decentralized automated distribution and public goods funding plan, and establish cooperative relations with at least one international organization.
  • Explore cutting-edge node technologies and provide a complete Validator support plan.


In addition to the Forge expenditures for the PM and Developer’s salaries, an additional 2000 u stablecoins are also needed to cover the initial server costs, supporting PGNode’s business to enter Phase One, and external fundraising will also commence.


LXDAO 在持续研究公共物品的可持续性问题。PGNode 是 LXDAO 一次新的尝试,通过参与整个生态基础设施的建设,为公共物品的发展筹集可持续性资金。

PGNode 的模式是通过成为生态的 Validator,获取可持续性的收入,这些收入中的一部分会进入到公共物品资金池,支持公共物品更好的发展。


  • Web3 接纳更多的用户需要有一个更坚实的基础设施
  • Web3 生态需要更多中立和去中心化的组织来参与治理
  • Web3 生态需要更多开发者和用户


  • LXDAO 专注公共物品领域,并持续探索公共物品的可持续性解决方案
  • LXDAO 是一个优秀的开发者社区,可以持续链接 Web3 生态和开发者
  • LXDAO 在 Web3 社区中有良好的声誉,天然适合成为 validator ,并从以公共物品支持者的角度ß参与链的治理


在当前启动阶段, PGNode 以虚拟小组的形式轻量化运行。由一个 PM 和一个 Developer 组成,完成 PGNode 前期工作的筹备和部分节点的搭建。后续进入到正式运营阶段之后,可能会增加 Developer 的数量。

当前 PM 和 Developer 在 Forge 小组登记 PoC,时薪为 20LXPU(U:LXP 8:2),后续项目立项之后再设立固定岗。



第一阶段(2024.6 - 2024.12):PoC 概念验证

在这个阶段,主要验证 PGNode 是否具有可行性,并且与两个生态达成深度合作。在阶段需要从外部筹集一些 grants,支持基本的服务器和人力成本。


  • 和链方或者基金会深度合作,通过基金会 delegate token 产生收益,PGNode 在这个阶段成为 2+ 链的 validator,获取可持续运行的资金
  • 验证资金获取与自动化分配是否可行及可持续性
  • 完成 Validator 技术方案的初版,实现 Validator 安全稳定地运行

第二阶段(2025.1 - 2025.12):产品落地

完成可行性验证之后,开始扩大 Validator 的规模,获取可持续的资金,并开始向国际生态 BD,启动融资流程,扩大团队规模。


  • 将 validator 的数量扩展到 10+,在这个阶段,可以获取到额外的一些收益,将部分收益注入到公共物品的资助池中
  • 将 PGNode BD 到国际生态,Protocol Guild、Gitcoin 等,提高自身影响力
  • 将可持续性资金资助公共物品的流程运行完整
  • 完善自动化分配方案,整个过程实现去中心化

第三阶段(2025.12 -)产品及影响力增长

完成专业团队的建设,将 PGNode 建设成去中心化的节点服务,提升国际影响力。


  • 将 validator 的数量扩展到 20+
  • 完善去中心化的自动化分配和公共物品资助方案,并至少和一个国际组织建立合作关系
  • 探索前沿的节点前沿技术,并输出完整的 validator 保障方案


当前资金需求除了从 Forge 支出 PM 和 Developer 的工资之外,还还需要申请 2000 u 稳定币,作为前期的服务器成本,支持 PGNode 业务进入第一阶段,同时也会开始从外部筹集资金。

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各个阶段是否方便附上预计完成时间?作为 milestone 定期向社区披露?



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至于发展阶段我建议可以写的更加具体一些,然后建议是从全套的内容来设计,从 MVP 到完整版本这样,目前有点太务实了或者看不到一些想象空间。


第一阶段:PoC 概念验证

大概需要资源:xxx,主要是小额 grants for 服务器,还有 Forge。我们会尝试运行几个 validator 并且拿到收益,同时构建一个简单的自动化分配流程,设计好参与方的流动方式,比如谁 BD 的,进行相应分配。

这个阶段用于确认这个东西是有持续性的,同时服务好 1-2 家。之后我们可以产出一个 BD Deck,用其作为案例。

第二阶段:MVP 落地

大概需要资源:xxxx,天使轮融资。然后带着 PoC 去进行专业的 BD,通过影响力和实际效果滚雪球,最好可以 BD 到 Protocol Guild、GitCoin 这样的。需要将 PoC 的这套系统平台化,支持自动化的管理和分配,流向相应的钱包。



感谢 bruce 的建议,这里有问题,我们还是应该尽快缩短 PoC 的验证时间,这样还能节省更多的成本,通过在对未来的规划上也确实应该看的更远一些,而不是只专注具体事务。

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是的,PoC 最好能在一个季度内完成,这样可以尝试年底 Devcon 去分享或者 BD 一些资源。目前 Devcon 就在 11 月,时间不是很多了。

由于 pgnode 的特殊性需要买服务器等事项,故从 forge 的季度资金里拨款 800USDC,向社区公示。

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