Proposal: Establish Design Working Group


LXDAO is an R&D-focused DAO in Web3. In the process of research and development, each role is crucial and indispensable. Of course, UI/UX design is also an important aspect. Currently, we especially need to formally establish a design virtual working group to provide design support for the LXDAO project team and working groups, enabling us to be more professional and efficient in this aspect of design.

The design virtual working group is not a formal working group and will not directly apply for budget from the treasury, so it will not initiate formal snapshot proposals.


The design working group consists of one leader and several bounty members.

Leader: Formal recruitment will be conducted, and recruitment requirements can be found below. Re-election will take place at the beginning of each quarter.

Bounty Members: No limit on the number; any designers interested and with a design background can join.


Leader: 1000lxpu/month from the Forge team.

Bounty Members: Allocated by the bounty sponsor, which could be the project team, working groups, or external organizations.


  1. Highest priority support for the design needs of various LXDAO working groups and project teams, including but not limited to product design, NFT/badge design, daily operational material design, and various event designs.
  2. Create and maintain design components within LXDAO internally on Figma, such as various types of posters, public article layout designs, logos, banners, etc., to improve the efficiency of the operational working groups in external promotion.
  3. If necessary, design and maintain an internal component library for LXDAO to ensure a relatively unified style and experience for LXDAO’s external products.
  4. Conduct design reviews of existing LXDAO projects to ensure a good user experience for LXDAO projects.
  5. Explore the possibilities of public goods in the Web3 design field.

Leader Recruitment Requirements:

  1. LXDAO Member (possessing LXDAO Member Badge), bonus points for LXDAO Buidler Card owner.
  2. 5+ years of UI/UX design work experience, bonus points for team leadership experience.
  3. Identification with LXDAO and a sense of ownership.
  4. Bonus points for experience/knowledge in Web3.
  5. Weekly contribution time of no less than 10 hours.

Leader Application Process:

  1. Introduce your design work experience, reasons for application, and strengths, and attach your design portfolio in the comments section.
  2. The deadline for applications is 2024.03.06 12:00am UTC+8.
  3. The Forge working group will review all applications (we may talk to you) and select the Leader of the design working group (we will also take into account the votes you received in the forum). (Voting will be launched at 2024.03.07 4:00am UTC+8)
  4. All members may be subject to a probationary period if any individual does not meet expectations.

Application Deadline:

2024.03.06 12:00am UTC+8

Voting Deadline:

2024.03.12 12:00am UTC+8



LXDAO 是一个以产研为主的 DAO,在产研的过程中每一个角色都是非常重要且不可缺少的,当然 UI/UX 设计也是其中重要的一环,目前我们特别需要正式建立一个设计虚拟小组来为 LXDAO 的项目组以及工作组进行设计上的支持,让我们在设计这一环节上更加的专业和有效率。

注:设计虚拟小组并非正式的工作组,不会直接申请国库的预算,所以不会发起正式的 snapshot 提案。


设计工作组由一名 Leader 以及若干 Bounty 成员组成。

Leader:会进行正式的招募,招募要求见"Leader 招募要求"部分,每个季度开始时会进行重新竞选。

Bounty 成员:不限数量,任何有设计背景的感兴趣的设计师都可以加入。


Leader 的贡献激励:由 Forge 小组每月拨款,1000 lxpu/月。

Bounty 成员的贡献激励:由 bounty 发起方拨款,可能是项目组、工作组或者外部组织。


  1. 最高优先级支持 LXDAO 各个工作组和项目组的设计需求,包括但不限于产品设计、NFT/badge 设计、日常运营物料设计、各类活动设计等。
  2. 在 Figma 创建并维护 LXDAO 内部的设计组件,比如不同种类的海报、公众号文章排版设计、logo、banner等,提升运营工作组对外宣传效率。
  3. 如有需要,设计并维护 LXDAO 内部的组件库,使 LXDAO 对外的产品有比较统一的风格和体验。
  4. 对 LXDAO 已有项目进行设计 review,保证 LXDAO 项目拥有良好的用户体验。
  5. 探索 Web3 设计领域公共物品的可能性。

Leader 招募要求:

  1. LXDAO Member(拥有 LXDAO Member Badge),拥有 LXDAO Buidler Card 者加分。
  2. UI/UX 设计工作经验 5年+,带过团队者加分。
  3. 对 LXDAO 有认同感,有 ownership 精神。
  4. 有 Web3 工作经验/知识背景的加分。
  5. 每周贡献时间不少于 10 小时。

Leader 岗位申请流程:

  1. 评论区介绍一下自己的设计工作经历、申请原因、自己的优势以及附上自己的设计作品集。
  2. 北京时间 2024-03-06 晚 12 点 截止申请。
  3. Forge工作组将审核所有申请(我们可能会与您交谈)并选择设计工作组的组长(我们也会考虑您在论坛中收到的投票)。 (投票将于2024年3月7日 4:00am UTC+8 启动)
  4. 如果 Leader 在工作期间不符合期望,可能会受到试用期的限制。


北京时间 2024-03-06 晚 12 点


北京时间 2024-03-12 晚 12 点


Position: UX/UI designer
Experience: Nearly three years UX design experience, including SaaS product、IoT product, both PC and app,mainly PC. Besides basic UI, I am also responsible for the PC design systems. And I have some work experience of product manager. The total time of product manager is about half year. The specific project of portfolio can be shown via email.
Contact: same with Wechat)

Hi @Designeryoujia2024, thanks for your application, could you provide your design portfolio in the comment?


是的,其实对于 Leader 来说,专业反倒不是最重要的,主要是能将整个设计小组的成员以及任务整合安排好,积极主动的带领大家除了完成 bounty 外探索更多有趣和有价值的 Web3 设计领域的事情。


Buidler Card Holder

LXDAO 贡献经历:

  1. 负责 Fairsharing 和Donate3 项目的UI/UX工作,涉及交互设计、页面设计、Logo设计、海报设计、动效设计等。
  1. 担任近期的周边产品设计专项小组长,该小组一共三人,我负责任务整体规划和推进,整个过程中积极推进,信息及时同步。具体是前期任务拆解、组织成员开会讨论、任务分工,到中期设计执行、设计成果物汇总和演示,乃至后期的样品制作跟进及确认、大货制作跟进等。
  2. 贡献proof:FairSharing

Web3 其他经验:

在LXDAO已经贡献近半年,之前曾参与过 L1 钱包产品设计,也参与二级市场交易,对Web3有一定了解和饱满的热情,同时也在不断学习Web3知识,在LXDAO论坛发起《共建Web3知识库》的讨论并正在践行 共建一个 web3 行业最大最全的知识库 - #29 by 0xhardman


目前竞选人有两位,请大家在 3.12 之前进行投票,谢谢:

  • Designeryoujia2024
  • Daisy
0 voters
1 Like

目前投票已结束,结合投票结果和 Forge 小组的讨论,恭喜 @Daisy 获得 LXDAO S8 季度 设计小组组长职位,也感谢 @Designeryoujia2024 的积极参与,后续让我们一起在设计小组继续发光发热~

Cool!! 很想问我们可以怎么和设计小组互动呢?比如我有一些idea,怎么能和设计小组讨论下设计