Proposal: Dismiss SteadyForce Working Group

Title: Dismiss SteadyForce Working Group
Proposal Champion: Bruce
Proposal Date: 2024-1-23


To manage the uncertainties of a flexible DAO, LXDAO proposes a SteadyForce Working Group for managing buidlers who will contribute to routine tasks, especially in the R&D domain. The group will provide a stipend for basic living costs to selected LXDAO builders who have contributed significantly to the LXDAO.

But after running for over half a year, I think the working group doesn’t meet the goals. So, I propose to dismiss the working group and release the budget to other working groups as soon as possible.


For more details regarding the SteadyForce Working Group, please refer to:

But after over half a year, I would say this WG failed to meet the original goals due to the following results:

  1. Not many WG members followed the rules to participate in daily standup meetings and fulfill their commitments.
  2. Two or more members quit the working group due to time conflicts.
  3. Working group members find it hard to show their work results to the community and explain why they can receive these stipends rather than others.

Therefore, I propose to dismiss the SteadyForce Working Group on February 1, 2024.

What will happen after the proposal is approved?

  1. The working group will be dismissed.
  2. No more stipends since February 2024.
  3. Raise new proposals if you would like to restart or create a better SteadyForce-like working group.
  • For
  • Against
  • Abstain
0 voters

I saw that last time there were people opposing the S7 budget proposal, pointing out that the distribution mechanism is unfair to those who are all in. I’m not quite clear on where the unfairness lies, so I would like to hear more about it.

I believe that it’s better to consider output as the primary factor for distributing incentives, this makes it easier to quantify.
Daily maintenance should not cost too much.

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Personally, I feel that a lot of work content cannot be quantified because it is not at the executive level.

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Agree. But this is another question. We might use token shares or other mechanisms to incentivize these buidlers who have ownership of LXDAO and are willing to do more without return.

Agree, the key is to incentivize more on the real contributions and contributors, LXDAO needs more true value created, not simply reward the “time” spent.