取消 SteadyForce 工作组,提议在 LXDAO 内成立一个项目管理工作组(PM 工作组)。
工作组的使命是:PM 协会通过论坛寻找项目点子、培养项目人才和思想领导力,帮助项目往前推进。使LXDAO 的项目运转保持高效,快速,可靠。
该小组会配合治理小组使用 daohaus,来审查项目的里程碑,并帮助项目发现问题,解决问题。
认可lxdao的使命 可持续支持有价值的 Web3公共产品 和开源的解决方案。我们需要一群志同道合的来一起推进这个小组和lxdao
专业的项目管理是项目成功的关键要素。项目受益于项目管理,因为它有助于更顺利地执行,从而使团队更快乐、更有效、更专注。对于 DAO 来说,项目管理创造了项目进度的透明度。这可以帮助减少季节性预算等行政工作。
- 现存项目缺乏更高效的项目管理流程
目前 lxdao 的项目总共有 15 个,目前正在良好运行的有 4 个。EIP Fun,Web3logo,Mississippi,FairSharing。但是这三个项目又是新项目,之前的项目已经停止运行。距离上次项目提案已有几月之久,在论坛和社区的点子又没人跟进。需要有这么一个小组来保证项目的发现和运行。
项目 | 开始时间 | 结束时间 | 产品活跃度 |
Donato3 | 2022.09.22 | 正常推进 | 活跃 |
MetaPavo | 2022.07.10 | 暂时搁置 | 较低 |
HashDNA | 2022.11.20 | 小型迭代,社区支持力度较小 | 较低 |
MobyMask | 2022.12.20 | 完结 | 一般 |
Img3 | 2023.01.02 | 维护中 | 一般 |
MyFirstLayer2 | 2023.02.03 | 迭代中 | 活跃 |
EIP Fun | 2023.03.24 | - | 活跃 |
FairSharing | 2023.06.23 | 缺少运营 | 活跃 |
Mississippi | 2023.08.20 | 正常推进,缺少资金 | 活跃 |
Web3LOGO | 2023.09.17 | 缺少运营 | 活跃 |
BD3 | 2023.12.02 | 产品重构 | 一般 |
- 缺乏有效的项目管理者培养体系
作为一个 R&D 的 DAO,培养更多的项目经理是我们的重要目的,我们将梳理出一套行之有效的项目管理流程
我们相信,项目管理工作组将通过直接服务和间接影响为 DAO 带来价值。虽然直接效应可以更容易定价,因此可以用来为行会提供资金,但间接效应更多地具有共同物品的特征,因此将向拨款委员会申请部分资金。以下部分概述了 项目管理工作组将为 DAO 带来的价值以及如何获得资金。每个赛季更精确的规划是本提案“规范”部分的一部分。
人才管理、保留和凝聚力——让 DAO 保持活力
- 通过质量信号吸引项目经理并将其与 DAO 联系起来的地方
- 由志同道合的项目经理组成的 团队小组 为项目出谋划策
- 专业知识分享
- DAO 项目精选项目经理人才库
- 项目经理的协调和结构性技能提升
使项目往前推进 - 使 DAO 取得成功
- 每周固定点评和辅导论坛 Idea
- 通过与其他项目经理定期交流,建立项目之间的联系,以减少孤岛。通过这种方式,我们可以识别 DAO 中的常见挑战,并降低多次并行开发解决方案的成本。
- DAO 的成功放大工具,适用于处于关键阶段的项目
- 进行有关项目的透明谈话
该工作流程将开发方法,以提高 DAO 中项目经理的透明度、他们的技能以及为 DAO 保留他们所需的条件。如果满足以下条件,则说明成功:
- 我们有办法引导新加入者加入项目管理小组
- 我们有一种方法可以让 DAO 透明化,我们的项目经理是谁
- 我们有一种方法可以向 DAO 传达每个项目经理的技能和经验。
- 我们定义了从项目经理小组到项目的人才招聘定价逻辑
我们按照季度运行,向 DAO 请求 总计16000 LXPU
目前距离 S7 还有 2 个月,我们将会申请 2 个月的经费
我们初期需要 4 名成员,成员的时薪为40-50u/h,同时,我们为了纳入更多的项目经理,针对项目经理的隐形贡献,我们将会设置 Bounty 包
- 透明的项目工作流,并培养出 2名项目经理
- 帮助 2个项目达到里程碑结果
- 梳理出完整的项目工作流和指导手册
- 辅导出 2个新项目,阶段性的项目评估报告
The SteadyForce working group is being dissolved, and it is proposed to establish a Project Management Working Group (PM Group) within LXDAO.
The mission of the group is: The PM Association seeks project ideas through forums, cultivates project talents and thought leadership, and helps push projects forward. This ensures that LXDAO’s projects operate efficiently, quickly, and reliably.
The group will work with the governance team using daohaus to review project milestones and assist projects in identifying and resolving issues.
Mission and Values
Recognize LXDAO’s mission to sustainably support valuable Web3 public products and open-source solutions. We need a group of like-minded individuals to push this group and LXDAO forward.
Professional project management is a key element for project success. Projects benefit from project management as it helps in smoother execution, making teams happier, more effective, and more focused. For DAOs, project management creates transparency in project progress, helping reduce administrative tasks like seasonal budgeting.
Currently, there are several issues in project management:
- Existing projects lack an efficient project management processCurrently, there are 15 projects in LXDAO, with 4 running well: EIP Fun, Web3logo, Mississippi, FairSharing. However, these are new projects, and previous ones have ceased. It’s been months since the last project proposal, and forum and community ideas lack follow-up. A group is needed to ensure the discovery and operation of projects.
项目 | 开始时间 | 结束时间 | 产品活跃度 |
Donato3 | 2022.09.22 | 正常推进 | 活跃 |
MetaPavo | 2022.07.10 | 暂时搁置 | 较低 |
HashDNA | 2022.11.20 | 小型迭代,社区支持力度较小 | 较低 |
MobyMask | 2022.12.20 | 完结 | 一般 |
Img3 | 2023.01.02 | 维护中 | 一般 |
MyFirstLayer2 | 2023.02.03 | 迭代中 | 活跃 |
EIP Fun | 2023.03.24 | - | 活跃 |
FairSharing | 2023.06.23 | 缺少运营 | 活跃 |
Mississippi | 2023.08.20 | 正常推进,缺少资金 | 活跃 |
Web3LOGO | 2023.09.17 | 缺少运营 | 活跃 |
BD3 | 2023.12.02 | 产品重构 | 一般 |
- Lack of an effective project manager training systemAs an R&D DAO, cultivating more project managers is our key purpose. We will develop an effective project management process.
Work Scope
We believe the Project Management Group will bring value to the DAO through direct services and indirect impacts. While direct effects are easier to price and can be used to fund the guild, indirect effects are more common good-like and will apply for partial funding from the grant committee. The following outlines the value the Project Management Group will bring to the DAO and how to obtain funding. More precise planning for each season is part of the “Standards” section of this proposal.
How does the Project Management Group create value?
- Talent management, retention, and cohesion—keeping the DAO vibrant
- Attracting project managers with quality signals and linking them to the DAO
- Teams of like-minded project managers strategizing for projects
- Sharing of expertise
- Selected project manager talent pool for DAO projects
- Coordination and structural skill enhancement for project managers
Advancing projects - making the DAO successful
- Weekly fixed review and coaching for forum ideas
- Establishing connections between projects through regular communication with other project managers, reducing isolation. This way, we can identify common challenges in the DAO and lower the cost of multiple parallel solution developments.
- Amplifying tools for DAO success, especially for projects at critical stages
- Transparent talks about projects
Cultivating more project managers
The workflow will develop methods to improve transparency of project managers in the DAO, their skills, and the conditions needed to retain them for the DAO. Success is indicated if:
- We have a way to guide newcomers to join the project management group
- We have a method to make transparent to the DAO who our project managers are
- We have a method to communicate each project manager’s skills and experiences to the DAO
- We defined the talent recruitment pricing logic from the project manager group to the projects
We will hold fixed teleconferences every week.
Financial Requirements
We operate quarterly, requesting a total of 16,000 LXPU from the
DAO. With 2 months remaining until S7, we will apply for funding for these 2 months.
Initially, we require 4 members, with an hourly rate of 40-50 U/H. Additionally, to incorporate more project managers, we will set up Bounty packages for their contributions.
Key Outcomes
- Establish a transparent project workflow and train 2 project managers.
- Assist 2 projects in achieving milestone results.
- Develop a complete project workflow and guidebook.
- Mentor 2 new projects and produce periodic project assessment reports.