Project: GDWeb3 SDK

Title: Generic: GDWeb3 SDK Project

Proposal Champion: Cooper

Date: 2023.05.16


This proposal is made by Cooper to initiate the GDWeb3 SDK project within LXDAO, to seek support from the LXDAO community and technical support for the development of the GDWeb3 SDK project, to apply for LXDAO funding resources in order to better achieve the milestones, and at the same time, to give a portion of the OP Milestone OP to LXDAO.

OP Grants (cycle 22) Proposal address:


About **Godot

The Godot engine is a feature-rich, cross-platform game engine that allows the creation of 2D and 3D games through a unified interface.

It provides a comprehensive set of general-purpose tools so that users can focus on creating games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be

exported to multiple platforms in a single click, including major desktop platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows), mobile platforms (Android, iOS), and other platforms.

(Linux, macOS, Windows), mobile platforms (Android, iOS), web-based platforms, and console platforms.

Godot is completely free and open source under a generous MIT licence, with no strings attached, no commission, no nothing.

Every piece of code, from the user’s game to the engine, is owned by the user. Godot’s development is completely independent and community-driven, allowing users to create their own games to meet their needs.

The development of Godot is completely independent and community-driven, allowing users to reinvent the engine to meet their needs. It is supported by the Godot Foundation, which has no profit motive.

About GD-Web3

The project is based on the open-source game engine Godot (only supported in versions 4.0 and above, no compatibility support for 3.x). The project will

Develop an SDK for connecting to the Optimism grid, similar to web3.x, using GDScript, the original scripting language of the Godot game engine.

This is similar to web3.js.

The aim is to provide Godot’s game developers with a convenient and high-performance development environment to facilitate the development of the web3 concept in the game field.


Approved OP 22nd Builder Grants: 35K OP.

Proof: Cycle 22 Final Grants roundup - Grants Updates - Optimism Collective

Grid Support

At this stage, the ACCESSION goal is: the Optimsim grid.

Although it is very likely that GD-Web3 will also support the ETH main grid when it is developed, due to the good compatibility of the OP grid with the ETH grid, the project itself does not support the ETH main grid, but the project itself does not support the OP grid.

However, the project does not make any commitment to this for the time being. Both the educational material and the sample code of the project, as well as the publicity, will be based on Optimsim.

The project’s educational materials, sample code, and publicity will be aimed at Optimsim.


~ 15 March 2025

OP Grants Milestone

A Milestone:

Theme: Project initialisation and completion of the development of the base cryptographic toolkit using GDScript. Start date: 15 April 2024

Completion date: 15 September 2024

Metrics for Evaluation.

Successful initialisation and configuration of the project repository.

Completion of the necessary basic encryption toolkit.

Completion of the accounts manager.

Completion of the rlp protocol.

Successful execution and passing of basic tests.

Token: 14K OP

Two milestones:

Theme: Functional development for interaction with the blockchain using GDScript, essentially web3.js.

Start date: 15 September 2024

End date: 15 January 2025

Metrics for Evaluation:

Completed the encapsulation of JsonRPC.

Can query transaction, block, account information, etc. on the optimism testnet

Can deploy contracts and send transactions

Successful execution and passing of basic tests.

Token: 12K OP

Milestone three:

Topic: Preparing Sample Demos and Files

Start date: 15 January 2025

End date: 15 March 2025

Metrics for Evaluation:

Tutorial videos, development documents

Simple demo.

Token: 1K OP milepost IV:

Theme: Godot Community Outreach, Online BlackBackathon.

Start date: 15 January 2025

End date: 15 March 2025

(may be prepared in conjunction with Phase III)

Token: 8K OP

Metrics for Evaluation: Token: 8K OP

Budgets and Distribution Token: 8K OP

The first and second milestones in grants are the main development phases. These two phases have 8 months remaining at the moment.

This is known as the Development Phase and will be carried out in two main periods.

Phase 1 of the Development Phase**

The first phase of the development phase **will be carried out by two core developers, while actively demonstrating progress to the OP, LXDAO and Godot communities, and attracting new developers.

At the same time, we are actively demonstrating our progress to the OP, LXDAO, and Godot communities, and attracting new developers to join us in the development process (this is also a way to educate people in advance, especially those in the Godot community).

In particular, the ratio of game developers in the Godot community who have been exposed to blockchain technology is not too high).

At present, for gdscript, the missing logic of rlp, eth account can be directly implemented using gdscript. However, the lack of some basic crypto tool libraries is a problem, such as secp256k1, keccak-256, ecdsa, etc. Currently, there are two directions to complete the development of the basic crypto tool libraries, one is to use gdscript for development, and the other is to introduce it through the ability of Godot’s c++ module. Therefore, it would be desirable for the core developers to understand C++, and it would be best if they understand the ETH protocol, while gdscript can be learnt with a little bit of time as the project progresses, as it is not a difficult language to learn.

This period is expected to last 5 months. The resources requested are listed below:

Role LXPU/h Hours/Month Total
PM+Developer 35 72h 2520
Developer 30 64h 1920

LXPU = 0.6 USDT+0.4 LXP

Total: 22200 LXPU (13320 usdt + 8880 lxp)

Development Phase II (MVP version)

With the foundation of the first phase, the code will be more systematic, which theoretically allows the new developers to have a better idea of what they are doing.

Theoretically, the code is more structured and provides a better entry point for new developers, which may attract some developers to join the project. At this point, all developers move completely to the

The POC method of calculating and distributing rewards is based on the number of hours contributed.

The hourly rate is based on 30 LXPU, for a total of 3 months in the second period.

Calculated based on 3,840 LXPU per month. Total: 11520

LXPU (6912 usdt + 4608 lxp).

For the R&D phase, the total for both periods combined is 33,720 LXPU (20,232 usdt + 13,488 lxp).

Operation Phase

This phase corresponds to the third and fourth milestone in the OP Grants milestone.

These two milestones consist of two main tasks: the production of tutorials, sample demos and the organisation of an online BlackBackathon.

This phase is expected to last three months. The POC calculation method is used, and rewards are allocated based on the actual registered hours of contribution.

Base hourly rate for Dev: 30 lxpu, base hourly rate for Ops: 25 lxpu.

Role LXPU/h Hours/Month Total
Developer 30 72h 1920
Operation 25 64h 1600

Maximum per month: 1920 + 1600 = 3520 LXPUs.

Total: 10560 lxpu ( 6336 usdt + 4224 lxp)


Total for R&D and Ops phases

33720 + 10560 = 44280 lxpu ( 26568 udst + 17712 lxp)

Revenue Distribution

20% of the future revenue of the project will be given back to the LX DAO (subject to change in the future).

However, the project itself doesn’t really have a strong power to make money, as an SDK it’s not possible to make a profit based on the number of players etc. like the Unity engine and the UE engine.

As an SDK, it is not possible to charge a fee based on the number of players, etc., like the Unity Engine and the UE Engine, especially on an open-source engine that follows the MIT protocol. Therefore, the potential revenue comes from various BlackBooks.

Therefore, the potential revenue will come from various BlackBird Forum Grants, donations, and possibly some future revenue based on technical support and services.

The potential revenue is based on technical support, technical services, and so on.

While LXDAO will actually invest in the early development of the project, the OP Grants (the first benefit of the project) will not be used to support the development of the project.

Therefore, the 20% ratio for the OP’s Grants (the first income of the project) will not be followed exactly. Instead, the following rules will be applied:

Milestone 1: 14K OP (LXDAO receives 40% = 5600 OP)

Milestone 2: 12K OP (LXDAO receives 30% = 3600 OP)

Milestone 3 and 4: 1K OP. (LXDAO gets 50% = 500 OP)

Total: 9700 OP.

After OP Grants are fully released, based on the actual resource inputs received in LXDAO, OP Grants will be awarded on top of the proposal, up to a maximum of 12000 OP (including 9700 OP).

The maximum amount of OPs that can be granted based on the proposal is 12000 OPs (including the 9700 portion).


此提案为 Cooper 提出,将 GDWeb3 SDK 项目在 LXDAO 内发起,寻求 LXDAO 社区支持以及技术支持,一起开发 GDWeb3 SDK 项目,为了更好的实现里程碑,申请 LXDAO 资金资源,同时,将 OP Milestone 的一部分 OP 给予 LXDAO

OP Grants(cycle 22) 提案地址:


关于 Godot

Godot 引擎是⼀款功能丰富的跨平台游戏引擎,可以通过统⼀的界⾯创建 2D 和 3D 游戏。



(Android、iOS)、基于 Web 的平台以及主机平台。

Godot 在 宽松的 MIT 许可证 下完全⾃由且开源,没有附加条件、没有抽成、什么都没有。

⽤户的游戏乃⾄引擎的每⼀⾏代码,都归⽤户⾃⼰所有。Godot 的开发完全独⽴且由社区驱

动,允许⽤户为满⾜需求重塑引擎。它受到不以盈利为⽬标的 Godot 基⾦会⽀持。

关于 GD-Web3






已获批 OP 第22期Builder Grants:35K OP。




仅管得益于OP⽹络与ETH⽹络良好的兼容性,GD- Web3开发完成后,极有可能也⽀持ETH主




~ 2025 年 3 ⽉ 15 ⽇

OP Grants Milestone


主题:项⽬初始化并使⽤GDScript完成基础加密⼯具包的开发。开始⽇期:2024 年 4 ⽉ 15 ⽇

结束⽇期:2024 年 9 ⽉ 15 ⽇

Metrics for Evaluation:

Successful initialization and configuration of the project repository.

Completion the necessary basic encryption toolkit.

Completion the accounts manager.

Completion the rlp protocol.

Successful execution and passing of basic tests.

Token: 14K OP



开始⽇期:2024 年 9 ⽉ 15 ⽇

结束⽇期:2025 年 1 ⽉ 15 ⽇

Metrics for Evaluation:

Completed the encapsulation of JsonRPC

Can query transaction, block, account information, etc. on the optimism testnet

Can deploy contracts and send transactions

Successful execution and passing of basic tests.

Token: 12K OP



开始⽇期:2025 年 1 ⽉ 15 ⽇

结束⽇期:2025 年 3 ⽉ 15 ⽇

Metrics for Evaluation:

Tutorial videos, development documents

Simple demo.

Token: 1K OP⾥程碑四:


开始⽇期:2025 年 1 ⽉ 15 ⽇

结束⽇期:2025 年 3 ⽉ 15 ⽇


Token: 8K OP

Metrics for Evaluation:

Budgets and Distribution

grants的第⼀个⾥程碑和第⼆个⾥程碑为主要开发阶段。这两个阶段⽬前剩余时间为 8 个⽉。






目前对于gdscript来说,rlp, eth account的逻辑缺失可以直接使用gdscript进行实现。但是一些基础的加密工具库的缺失是个麻烦事情,比如需要用到的:secp256k1, keccak-256, ecdsa。目前有两种方向来完成基础加密工具库的开发,一个方向是使用gdscript进行开发,另一个方向是通过godot的c++ module的能力进行引入。因此,会希望核心开发人员能够了解c++, 对ETH的协议也了解是最好的,gdscript则可以在项目推进中投入一点时间学习也没有关系,这门语言不是很难。

这⼀时期预计为 5 个⽉。申请的资源如下:

Role LXPU/h Hours/Month Total
PM+Developer 35 72h 2520
Developer 30 64h 1920

LXPU = 0.6 USDT+0.4 LXP

总计:22200 LXPU(13320 usdt + 8880 lxp)

开发阶段第二期(MVP 版本)



POC 计算的⽅式,根据贡献的时⻓记录奖励分配奖励。

时薪基础为 30 LXPU,第⼆个时期总计 3 个⽉

按照每个⽉:3840LXPU 进⾏计算。 总计:11520

LXPU(6912 usdt + 4608 lxp)。

研发阶段,两个时期加起来总计:33720 lxpu(20232 usdt + 13488 lxp)


这⼀阶段对应于OP Grants⾥程碑中的第三个⾥程碑和第四个⾥程碑。

这两个⾥程碑主要包含两个⼯作:制作教程、示例 Demo 和举办线上⿊客松。

这⼀阶段预计历时三个⽉。采⽤ POC 计算的⽅式,根据贡献的实际登记时⻓记录奖励分配奖励。

研发基础时薪:30 lxpu, 运营基础时薪:25 lxpu。

Role LXPU/h Hours/Month Total
Developer 30 72h 1920
Operation 25 64h 1600

每个⽉上限:1920 + 1600 = 3520 LXPU

总计:10560 lxpu ( 6336 usdt + 4224 lxp)



33720 + 10560 = 44280 lxpu ( 26568 udst+ 17712 lxp)

Revenue Distribution

项⽬未来收益的 20% 将会回馈给 LX DAO(未来视情况可以更改)。

不过项⽬本身其实不具备很强的盈利能⼒,作为⼀个 SDK 不可能像 Unity 引擎以及 UE 引擎⼀

样,根据玩家数量等⽅式进⾏收费,尤其是在⼀个遵循 MIT 协议的开源引擎上⾯。因此,其潜

在的收益来源于各类⿊客松的 Grants、捐赠以及未来可能会设置的⼀些以技术⽀持、技术服


⽽ LXDAO 会实在的投⼊资⾦⽀持项⽬的早期发展,因此针对 OP 的 Grants(项⽬的第⼀个收

益)这⼀部分,不会完全按照 20% 的⽐例执⾏。将按照以下规则执⾏:

⾥程碑⼀:14K OP。(LXDAO 获得 40% = 5600 OP)

⾥程碑⼆:12K OP。(LXDAO 获得 30% = 3600 OP)

⾥程碑三、四:1K OP。(LXDAO 获得 50% = 500 OP)

总计:9700 OP。

OP Grants 完全释放后,根据在 LXDAO 获得的实际资源投⼊,在提案基础上可追赠 OP,上限

为 12000 OP(含 9700 部分)。

  • For
  • Against
  • Abstain
0 voters


  1. 这是一个非常长周期的项目,同时也是一个比较底层的大项目,而且中途可能基本无法换 PM,需要的开发也是 C++ 之类的技术栈。所以这块需要跟 Cooper 确认下有多少时间以及是否稳定且长期投入在这里面。
  2. 对国库的资金压力比较大,而且对 LXDAO 主线的工作相关性不是非常强,所以不知道是否考虑不申请 U 而是根据 OP 的规则来做和等待 OP 的分发解锁,可以申请部分 LXP,借助 LXDAO 的社区力量来建设。当然,OP 解锁之后也不需要将 OP 给 LXDAO 进行回馈。






这就是目前我的一些考虑和想法了。目前我更没底的是运营宣传 :cold_face:,不过这个很后面了。前期的宣传,更多的还是我这边会持续的往op社区和godot社区同步开发进展,吸引开发者。

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