Port GCLX to Aptos (WIP)


Use launch GCLX on Aptos

Aptos NFT is gaining traction and it would be great to launch gclx NFT to Aptos to further spread the brand of both GCLX and LXDAO. It is also an meaningful effort to build a standard and LX template project based on the current version of GCLX repo GitHub - lxdao-official/myfirstnft-frontend: MyFirstNFT frontend code..

TLDR Program Highlights

  1. Research Whitelist Solution on Aptos NFT (GitHub - merkletreejs/merkletreejs: 🌱 Construct Merkle Trees and verify proofs in JavaScript. equivalent)

  2. Aptos NFT (move) minting integration
    Project Details

  3. Frontend: mint page

  4. Move Contract: Whitelist Integration

  5. Move Contract: Mint contract integration

Budget and Time Frame

Currently, we need two Builders: TBD

  • Front-end development:
  • Contract development:
  • NFT Generation

The budget is as follows:

  • 500 LXPoints for contract development
  • 500 LXPoints for front-end developers

time frame:

  • November 1st - end of November

EDIT: Lowered Budget



If we want to learn, then the budget should be lower. If we want to earn some Apts, we need a basic operation plan, like airdrop, whitelist, etc. A simple one should be fine. And we need more details about sharing rewards, like how many go to LXDAO and how many go to the project team.

As GCLX is CC0, the images can be reused, @Muxin_LXDAO can provide those traits.

If we use HashDNA or need someone to create NFT images, we might need to split some budgets to that @su007-eth. Also, I would suggest adding a few budgets and distributing them by using https://coordinape.com/.

可以和头部的aptos nft 项目通过Collab合作扩大GCLX的holder群体。主要的初衷是搞影响力吧。之前良心主要是搞国人的梗(黑国人的垃圾NFT项目太多),现在我们作为研发DAO,可以扩大一下影响力。早期Aptos的NFT项目很多是有生态支持,这个时机是不错的。之后各种粗制滥造的项目多了就不适合做这个了。

We could collab with other bluechip NFTs projects in the Aptos ecosystem to expand the brand presence of GCLX.

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Whitelist solution:

  1. candymachine/candymachine.move at master · mokshyaprotocol/candymachine · GitHub
  2. GitHub - FTM-Labs/Aptos-NFT-Mint
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aptos 这波nft 热度过了。。等等看吧

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Yes, let’s suspend this one.