PGNode Expenditure Disclosure

The PGNode business has been launched and is currently operating in the form of a virtual team, supported by the Forge working group. In the initial startup phase, funding from the Forge group is required to cover the expenses for machinery. In this post, the disbursement and expenditure of funds by the Forge group will be publicly disclosed.

PGNode 业务已经启动,在当前阶段以虚拟小组的形式运行,当前由 Forge 工作组支持运行。当前启动阶段需要 Forge 小组拨款支持机器的支出,在当前这个帖子中,会公示 Forge 小组的打款和款项的支出情况。

Forge 小组的第一笔拨款(800 usdc):

机器信息(用于部署基础监控软件以及 artela 等测试节点):


机器在 contabo 平台购买,需要将 usdc 转入 onkey 的支付卡,转成 USD 购买机器:

最终开销:816.14 USD,其中 16.14 USD 由 PGNode 成员垫付,后续在 fairsharing 上登记报销。

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