Open Source CryptoDCA Project

CryptoDCA is a project initiated by members of the LXDAO community for cryptocurrency fixing, the core of which is guaranteed to be open, secure and fair by smart contracts.
We are pleased to announce that the CryptoDCA project is nearing the end of its development and is in the alpha testing phase. In line with the open source spirit of LXDAO community, we open part of the source code of this project (front-end, smart contracts) and invite community developers to audit it, especially the smart contracts.
As for the back-end code, it is not open-sourced for the time being for commercial and security reasons. If you question its security, you can contact our team to review it.

Smart Contracts: GitHub - lxdao-official/cryptodca-contract

If any developer is interested in auditing this project smart contracts, please contact me.
TG: @kahnyuan
WX: crazy_kahn