LXP should be ERC20 SBT tokens?

Hi guys, previously, I was thinking of using IPFS and Database for recording LXP, but it can only be allocated to our builders. But some of the LXDAO contributors might not be LXDAO Buidlers, and it seems ERC20 SBT tokens are more suitable for this case. (Easy to track, just need to pay some gas fee)

Let’s have a soft vote, and if we think ERC20 is a good idea, we can start designing our Points contract and make a proposal.

  • ERC20 Token on Ethereum cannot be transferred as they are Points
  • Recorded in DB of LXDAO and synced to IPFS, and attached to the Buidler Card
  • Other better solutions

0 voters

  1. 有 token,就不需要ipfs上的积分字段了
  2. 不可转移最好是限定转移,这样给以后对积分兑换之类的一定的发挥空间,例如每个地址都可以和官方地址互相 transfer,而不需要通过 owner 才能发放 token,当然官方地址需要由多签管理。又例如之后有一个兑换合约,可以接受用户发送的积分,返回比例的新 token。

按照这种场景设想,其实设定一个 transfer 的白名单即可,白名单的地址可以接受和发送token,白名单只有官方地址和未来的兑换合约地址,不会加其他地址。

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  1. Yeah, the token is used for replacing the IPFS data, if we choose the token, we don’t need the LXP on IPFS anymore
  2. Good point, we can do that.

In my option, the LXDAO SBT token on the chain is used to record history and reward, which swap LXDAO tokens in the future.

Very interested in the Token contract development.

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Seems you are talking about the first solution. ERC20 Token on Ethereum?

If we use ERC20, we might need to remove the LXPoints in this contract https://github.com/lxdao-official/lxdao-buidlers-sbt



主要是积分这个定义有点问题,之前的设计就是 SBT 上面的身份属性,但是可编程性很差,而且必须要有 SBT 才可以。有一些外部贡献者其实并没有 SBT,但是也有贡献值得分配一些积分。借鉴 SeeDAO 的做法,将其做成了 SBT Token。