LXDAO 2025 January Incentive Announcement

Operation WG Fairshairng
Total = 4118.75 LXPU(3295 USD + 817.75 LXP)

Name POC on FS USD LXP Note
Soleil 1580 1264 316
Ache 52.5 42 10.5
huan 408.75 327 81.75
Yewlne 1027.5 822 205.5
古忆Stella 1050 840 210

BD Virtual WG Fairshairng
Total =965 LXPU(772 USD+ 193 LXP)

Name POC on FS USD LXP Note
ray 80 64 16
Helios 885 708 177

Governance WG Fairshairng
Total = 3223.75 LXPU(2579 USD + 644.75 LXP)

Name POC on FS USD LXP Note
faelan 30 24 6
Punkcan 920 736 184
Ray 630 504 126
Ache 1200 960 240
Loxia 423.75 339 84.75
Tristan 20 16 4

Forge WG Fairshairng
Total = 7032 LXPU (5625.6 USD + 1406.4 LXP)

Name POC on FS USD LXP Note
Oran 120 96 24
bruce 2160 1728 432
wuxiaobai 117 93.6 23.4
char 800 640 160
Muxin 90 72 18
Elsa 165 132 33
Kahn 425 340 85
Ray 220 176 44
Tyson 155 124 31
Marcus 1980 1584 396
Cooder 370 296 74
Yuxing 160 128 32
andy 180 144 36
pignard 90 72 18

Total = 1585 LXPU ( 1266 USD + 319 LXP)

Peak 805 644 161
hardman 65 52 13
Muixn 675 540 135
Derick 40 32 8

Total = 130 U

Name USD Note
Natali 130 上月岗位固定工资没有登记满,本月补发

It seems my stats are wrong.

My value has just been calculated and it is 1980


@wodeche For the Intensive Co-learning project, we missed 0xhardman’s Dec contribution last month, need to add it this month.

The Ops working grouo needs to add Oscar 218.5U to their rewards, last month I was unable to Mint due to a bug issue, I’ve paid it out and credited it to the LXDAO treasury!


马老师 transferred the money to the OP treasury, so the funds can go out from the OP treasury and will go together with the Invoice in January.


done :raised_hands: