January Invoice

Invoice time:

Invoice item:


Belong to(Working Group):


Invoice time: 2024年1月

Invoice item: LXDAO 周边设计

Use: 设计费

Belong to(Working Group): 运营/设计工作组

Detail LXDAO 周边设计由设计组成员Daisy、小明、Wangteng 完成,这里有申请报销费用如下:
设计费: 1000 LXPU (Daisy:500LXPU,小明:500 LXPU )

Invoice time: 2024.1

Invoice item:

  • eip.fun domain reviewal 273.42 USD eip.fun.pdf (130.3 KB)

此项归属于 EIP Fun 项目组,下面是 LXDAO 社区

Total in USD: 352.26


所以导致我长期在支付账单的时候亏损,因此我要求我未来的外币支付报销金额增加 2% 的汇率磨损和手续费。

Total in USD: 352.26 * 1.02 = 359.3052

Invoice time: 2024/02/09

Invoice item: New Year’s bonus

Use: For the distribution of red packets to members during the New Year

Belong to(Working Group): Operation WG

I will be giving out 200U on New Year’s Eve, in multiple installments, in the form of a red envelope