Formally established Optimism Chinese Community(Optimism 中文力量)

Title: Formally established Optimism Chinese Community(Optimism 中文力量)

Proposal Champion: Marcus

Date: 2024.02.28


Officially established Optimism Chinese Community, OP Chinese Community is an organisation initiated by GCC, LXDAO, PlanckerDAO, Dengchain Community and TraDAO to spread the concept of Optimism technology and public goods, aiming to be a bridge linking the Chinese-speaking community and the Optimism ecosystem. It aims to be a bridge between the Chinese-speaking community and the Optimism ecosystem, to promote two-way communication within the Optimism ecosystem and the Chinese-speaking community, and to promote the prosperity of public goods.
The Optimism Chinese community will use the Optimism Chinese Power brand as a bridge to provide all-round guidance for Chinese projects in the Optimism ecosystem, and to help Chinese projects enter or migrate to the Optimism ecosystem.
The overall goal of Optimism Chinese Power is to be an officially certified community and Chinese Power advocate.


Optimism is a Layer2 scaling solution that achieves the goal of scaling the Ethernet network by using the Optimistic Rollup scheme, which is a single-round interactive design.

LXDAO is a DAO with a strategic focus on public goods, our mission is to support valuable public goods in a sustainable way, and after a year of development that has resulted in the birth of a number of public goods, I’d like to make a deep connection between LXDAO and optimism!


Optimism is a Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup network designed to utilize the strong security guarantees of Ethereum while reducing its cost and latency. Optimism is EVM equivalent, making the transition from L1 to L2 as seamless as possible. This means one-click deployments and full compatibility with most of the tooling Ethereum developers are accustomed to. It also means that with very few exceptions, existing Solidity smart contracts can run on Optimism exactly how they run on Ethereum. You can read more about EVM Equilvance here:

Public goods

Optimism is a public goods funding mechanism, and any deployments on Optimism support the funding of open-source public goods. This creates a positive economic feedback loop that funds critical infrastructure and innovation for developers and users alike. Read more about our retroactive public goods funding

More detail: Buidl&Partner with Optimism


  1. RetroPGF has a very small percentage of applied Chinese language projects

In this RetroPGF#3 process, the voice of the Chinese-speaking community is relatively small, with no more than 20 Chinese-speaking community projects known to have applied, and Chinese-speaking community projects accounted for less than 4% of the 644 public goods projects applied for, and there are only 9 Chinese-speaking projects known to have won awards in this RetroPGF#3, accounting for 1.7% of the overall number of awards.

  1. Too few RetroPGF BadgeHolder holders

In RetroPGF#3, we found that there are too few Chinese speakers, and even in the RetroPGF discussion, some badge holders don’t know Chinese and can’t evaluate the projects accurately and efficiently.

  1. The Chinese community’s understanding of Optimism and public goods is too low.

In the Chinese community, many people tend to discuss the coin price, project investment and research, etc., while ignoring the power of public goods construction, at the same time, in the Optimism Chinese channel, many people’s discussions tend to be related to OP airdrops, prices, etc., and no one has bothered to seriously study and understand the constructive role that OPs can bring in the public goods field.

We are going to set up the Optimism Chinese community around these three issues and gather everyone’s strengths.


What we did

During RetroPGF#3, we directly or indirectly helped more than 6 of our members’ projects receive RetroPGF awards with a total value of more than $500,000!

In Optimism Season 5 Grants, directly or indirectly encourage Chinese language projects to participate in Grants applications, with a total of 20 applications, of which 12 projects reached the Final review stage.

Operational activities, we have organised more than 2 sharing activities and received more than 500+ followers.

We will also continue to deepen the Optimism ecosystem in terms of operation, product and governance, and become a bridge between Chinese language projects and Optimism.


Optimism Governance Weekly (Weekly)

Optimism Daily Updates

For the first month, we will be accomplishing the following things

Token House Season 5 task tracking and collation report

Translation of 2 in-depth Optimism articles

OP Space events or sharing sessions, 2 times


In the second month, we will do the following

Optimism in-depth article translation/research 2 articles

OP Space events or sharing sessions, 2 times

Token House Season 5 Mission Tracking

Help more than 5 Chinese language projects apply for Token House Season 5 Grants.


In the third month, we will complete the following things

Optimism Chinese Power stage summary

OP Chinese Power generates top 100 Delegate or 1 BadgeHolder.

Output Optimism governance research articles

Output Op Stack technical documentation research


Budgets And Distribution

Optimism is a joint venture between several organisations, and GCC has donated US$30,000 to Optimism. LXDAO will contribute some of its staff as a start-up, and will also provide support for the operation of Optimism.
Optimism Chinese Power is essentially a public good, any organisation or individual can read or call the research materials exported by Optimism Chinese Power, the profit model of Optimism Chinese Power is to accept donations or to apply for the mission on Optimism Season Grants 5, it is currently in the early stage of launching, and needs certain funds to maintain. If Optimism has more than $100,000 in the Optimism treasury, we will start some mechanisms or programmes to donate public goods.

Team Setting

Weekly meeting: Every Saturday at 14:00 (UTC+8)

5500 LXPU/Monthly, Total 16500 LXPU

1 LXPU = 0.6 U+0.4 LXP

LXDAO will provide 2200 LXP of support per month, for a total of 6600 LXP in a three-month cycle, which is also a retrospective of our milestones.

The team will have 4 permanent members who will work at 25LXPU/h.

1 PM, 1 Developer, 1 Operation/BD, 1 Researcher


  • Responsible for organizing basic meetings and coordinating project progress
  • Ensure a deep connection between the organization and Optimism
  • Governance Objective Advancement
  • Op eco-research, output report


  • Responsible for optimism development tasks
  • Op technical documentation translation/optimization


  • Liaise with people, and event organizing and planning
  • Finding influential and valuable Chinese language public goods projects and helping them apply for RetroPGF


  • Research Op stack technical documentation, output Op stack learning, and research content
Role Time Amount Budget
PM 20h/Week 1 1400 LXPU
Developer 10h/Week 1 1200 LXPU
Operation/BD 10h/Week 1 1200 LXPU
Researcher 10h/Week 1 1200 LXPU
Bounty 500 LXPU




Bruce(GCC) 0x17c57bD297175e5711Ee3Daf045252B588f3162F
Constantin(GCC) 0x5baB24A68dAC0aA4c09ae028B06D8914DA8405B8
Pablo(PlanckerDAO) 0x158Ea94E633922Cc32EbD8735B87022bfDe7084f
Tiny(登链社区) 0xD6823f807C45eFDC56c9aE8Db0226CA10af6E8AB
Marcus(LXDAO) 0xC841D6DdF66467Af551b35218c0c2e22f9C14b48

PoC Record

Key Result

General Goals

Official Certified Community, Chinese Power Advocate


  1. Add at least one new top 100 Token house pledge representative (we will also assist with this goal) and one OP badgeholder to join OP Chinese Power as a community representative.
  2. OP Chinese Power drafts at least one Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding (“RetroPGF”) rule or significantly influences a rule.
  3. OP Chinese Power to help increase the number of RetroPGF awards for public goods projects in the Chinese-speaking community to 25 or more.
  4. OP Chinese Power’s total RetroPGF funding (including token house bounty) for public goods in the Chinese-speaking community reaches US$1 million or more.

Operational Goals

  1. Reach 1000+ Twitter followers
  2. The number of community members (including WeChat and Telegram groups) reaches 400+.

Source of Truth

    • For
    • Against
    • I think it could be improved
0 voters


1 Like

Yes, In fact, We’ve been thinking about Optimism in governance and culture recently

完全赞同成立这个小组,也希望有更多的人参与到lxdao的生态,和建立更多的“xx 中文力量” 如果有任何想法 欢迎和我沟通,forge小组会鼎力支持~

Let the things we do be seen by more people


首先,OP 中文力量是一个开放协作的社区,致力于通过中文分享有关 Optimism 技术,生态系统和治理流程的信息来促使更多的人参与 Optimism,我们的目标是覆盖亚洲地区和说中文的人,以便他们了解这种以太坊可扩展性解决方案的好处。

Optimism 中文力量将传播 Optimism 治理愿景和公共物品理念,Optimism 中文力量将帮助华语地区项目更好的步入 Optimism 生态,为华语项目和从业者步入 Optimism 生态做全方位的辅导。

Optimism 中文力量将参与 Optimism 治理,向 Optimism 传播华语地区建设者的声音。

也有一些小伙伴不太了解 Optimism 本地化社区能做什么,这里有一个很好的参考系 Optimism Español

看到也有 LXPU,我觉得需要更加细化 OP 中文力量和 LXDAO 的关系。就我目前的观察,出了 GCC 出钱之外,其他组织在这个事情上面的投入远不如 LXDAO 的多,组内工作成员也以 LXDAO 成员居多。LXP 其实也变相相当于 LXDAO 出钱支持了,所以这个关系可能要理清楚。比如 OP 中文力量的可以算作 LXDAO 发起支持的项目,具体工作和结算走 LXDAO 体系?那么工资可以打入 LXDAO 国库进行分发,这样可以有相应的记录。

这个也是我在思考的问题,首先,OP 中文力量的对外宣发里提到了 GCC 和 LXDAO 孵化支持的关系
在发奖金流程上,之前经过沟通,由于目前有独立国库,且多签人也是来自不同组织的人,发放 U 的流程应该如何

  1. U 直接走 OP 中文项目国库发放,但这样子记录无法在 LXDAO Member Profile 上了
  2. LXP 还是走 LXDAO 官网发放流程

建议可以在讨论一下,先例其实有 EIP Fun,实际项目的运营是 LXDAO 在出力支持,然后国库资金是转入 LXDAO 进行发放的,而 EIP Fun 国库是多个社区的多签。目前 OP 中文力量是一样的,主要成员都是 LXDAO 这边出的,相当于 LXDAO 实际做事情。非 LXDAO 的工作人员可以单独走结算,当然也不会有 LXP。

实际上这个点来看 @Chloe 需要类似的追加一些 LXP,不然相当于在积分方面没有什么贡献。