FairSharing - Reflections on the Product Transformation Programme


This is a list of issues and thoughts that I’ve discovered and compiled in the last month while following up on the FairSharing product. During this month, I’ve summarised the thoughts I’ve gained through the actual use of the FairSharing product, analysis and contact with other competing teams, as well as the issues revealed by other Grants’ distribution processes, and I’d like to launch a project about the FairSharing’s next iteration plan!

Problems exposed by the FairSharing product

  1. Practicality of contributing volume registration

Flexibility in the amount of contributions brings with it a high degree of autonomy in registration, as well as some inevitable ‘show’ contributions, e.g., registering too many contributions for a higher amount of time

  1. The actual turnout is too low

Users are more likely to register contributions, but the low number of votes for, against, and abstaining by members of the same Cycle group reflects actual indifference to other people’s contributions, and perhaps a governance issue

This is actually a reflection of indifference to other people’s contributions, and perhaps a governance issue. image|690x325

  1. Potential contributions are difficult to register*

Some research, cross-team coordination, thinking, and marketing contributions are immeasurable and fragmented, making them difficult to present and register on FairSharing.

Common ways to register contributions

In thinking about solutions to the above problems, let’s think about how contributions are currently registered.

When considering how contributors submit contribution logs to showcase their recent efforts, there are three main approaches that can be compared:

  • [contribution logs based on task milestones] - Contribution logs record the completion of milestone tasks involved in a project. (Chamverse, Krama, common in various Foundation Grants application processes)
  • [Project time-based contribution logs] - Contribution logs record the output of project execution after a specified period of time. (Commonly used for staged output versions of various products)
  • [Personal time-based contribution logs] - contribution logs record the execution output of an individual after a specified period of time (FairSharing, common to various mutual reviews of DAO organisations as well as registration systems)

[To compare these contribution validation methods, we considered] a number of factors, which were then applied to each method in an attempt to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Whereas FairSharing is currently a process of self-registration, with members voting with each other to determine contributions, favouring a log of contributions based on individual time (in other words, in the right direction!)

Core user groups

  1. LXDAO and partner organisations users

LXDAO workgroups, partners, use functions including registration of contributions, voting, Claim Token, distribution of incentives, treasury calls, etc.

  1. Core contributors of major ecosystems **Core contributors of OP Stack, GLXDAO and partner organisations

OP Stack core contributors, Github open source project contributors, etc.

  1. Grants Issuer/Recipient **Grants Issuer/Recipient

Various ecological Grants issuers/recipients

Potential for Success

**Market Demand

In the rapidly evolving Web3 ecosystem, there is a growing need for standardised, efficient and transparent collaboration processes. Key issues include.

  • No standardised methodology for harmonising contributions
  • No credit system for mutual evaluation of contributions
  • Sovereign profiling of individuals based on their contributions
  • Balancing decentralisation with efficient resource allocation
  • Aligning contribution outcomes with broader ecosystem goals.

Competitor opinion gathering and differentiation

[Individual Contribution Logs]

After examining the problems and opportunities of producing group-based contribution logs as well as individual contribution logs, we found that individual contribution logs are the most promising approach to consider. In addition to validating contribution efforts, there are many other use cases for the personal contribution log approach that are valuable to contributors and the Web3 ecosystem.

OP Passport

The OP Passport project aims to develop an open source platform for governance participants on Optimism, utilising Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology for privacy-preserving proofs and on-chain identity passports. The platform enhances privacy, security and active participation in governance by allowing participants to publish and manage their on-chain identity passports.

Reclaim Protocol

The Reclaim Protocol creates digital signatures, zero-knowledge proof of a user’s identity and credibility on any website. These digital signatures are computed entirely on the client side. That means it is private and secure. When a user shares this proof with your application, you can be sure that its authenticity and integrity have not been compromised.

Meanwhile, we contacted the above 3 teams for communication and product exchange and got the following comments

  1. don’t make it too complicated to register the length of the contribution: more than 30 minutes a month, and many people stop registering
  2. find the motivation to actually use the product: L1/L2 funding use case
  3. find the core value contributors who are the core of the product, e.g. Optimism Nerd or committee.
  4. be good at integrating other contributions: e.g. Github, etc.

Direction of product transformation

  1. Actual Contribution Data

Currently, there are three mainstream ways to confirm contribution, based on task milestones (chamverse), based on project time, based on personal time (FairSharing), to determine the core contribution data, so that more people can register effective contributions, and reduce the number of ‘performance’ nature of the contribution.

  1. **Combination of governance data and contribution data

The more contributions, the higher the trust in governance. Combine the contribution data to form Member Profile and combine it with the governance level.

  1. Contribution data and Grants analysis

Combining contribution data provides a comprehensive assessment of past grant programmes, providing practical insights and a powerful framework for evaluating the effectiveness of grants. This will help improve their grant process and ensure a more efficient and successful grant cycle, while supporting other projects in their grant review programme

Additional Product Thinking Points

  1. how to increase the level of interaction between users and the product even more

Follow-up plan

I propose to start a group to hold weekly FairSharing product brainstorming and iteration sessions, with common areas of research including Governance Identity, Grants Analysis, Personal Identity Proofing, Contribution Logging, and more!

Weekly product brainstorming sessions and 2-weekly product iteration plans will be announced to the community or in this thread.




这是我最近一个月在跟进 FairSharing 产品时发现的问题和整理的一些思考,在这一个月时间,我通过对 FairSharing 产品的实际使用情况,其他竞品团队的分析和联系,以及其他 Grants 发放过程所暴露的问题所总结的思考,并且我想发起关于 FairSharing 的下一次迭代计划

FairSharing 产品所暴露出的问题

  1. 贡献量登记的实际性


  1. 实际投票率过低

用户更多是用于登记贡献,但是同一个 Cycle 的组员的赞成,反对,弃权票比较低,这反应的实际上是对其他人的贡献漠不关心等问题,也或许是一个治理问题

  1. 潜在的贡献难以登记

一些研究,跨小组协调,思考,Marketing 的贡献难以估量且细碎,难以在 FairSharing 上呈现以及登记




  • 基于任务里程碑的贡献日志** —— 贡献日志记录项目所涉及的里程碑任务的完成情况。(Chamverse, Krama, 常见于各种基金会 Grants 申请流程)
  • 基于项目时间的贡献日志——** 贡献日志记录一段规定时间后的项目执行输出。(常见于各类产品的阶段性输出版本)
  • 基于个人时间的贡献日志——贡献日志记录个人在一段特定时间之后的执行输出(FairSharing,常见于 DAO 组织的各种互评以及登记系统)


而 FairSharing 目前是自主登记,成员相互投票,确定贡献的流程,偏向于基于个人时间的贡献日志(换句话说,方向没错!)


  1. LXDAO 以及合作组织用户

LXDAO 各工作组,合作方,使用功能包括登记贡献,投票,Claim Token,分发激励,国库调用等

  1. 各大生态核心贡献者用户

OP Stack 核心贡献者,Github 开源项目贡献者等

  1. Grants 发放者/接受者

各种生态 Grants 发放者/接受者



在快速发展的 Web3 生态系统中,对标准化、高效和透明的协作流程的需求日益增长。关键问题包括:

  • 没有统一贡献的标准方法
  • 没有相互评价贡献的信用体系
  • 基于贡献的个人身份主权画像
  • 平衡权力下放与有效资源配置
  • 将贡献成果与更广泛的生态系统目标相结合


Individual Contribution Logs

在研究了制作基于群组的贡献日志以及个人贡献日志的问题和机会之后,我们发现个人贡献日志是最有前途的方法,值得考虑。除了验证贡献努力之外,个人贡献日志方法还有许多其他用例,这些用例对贡献者和 Web3 生态系统非常有价值。

OP Passport

OP Passport 项目旨在为 Optimism 上的治理参与者开发一个开源平台,利用零知识证明 (ZKP) 技术进行隐私保护证明和链上身份护照。该平台通过允许参与者发布和管理他们的链上身份护照,增强了治理的隐私、安全性和积极参与度

Reclaim Protocol

Reclaim Protocol 可创建数字签名,即用户在任何网站上的身份和信誉的零知识证明。这些数字签名完全在客户端计算。也就是说,它是私密和安全的。当用户与您的应用程序共享该证明时,您可以确定其真实性和完整性没有受到损害。

同时,我们联系了以上 3 个团队进行沟通和产品交流,得到了以下意见

  1. 登记的贡献时长不能太复杂:一个月超过 30 分钟,很多人就不登记了
  2. 找到产品实际使用的动力:L1/L2 funding use case
  3. 找到核心价值贡献者才是产品的核心,如 Optimism Nerd 或者委员会
  4. 善于集成其他贡献数据:如 Github 等


  1. 实际贡献数据


  1. 治理数据和贡献数据相结合

将贡献数据进行拆解和量化,贡献越多,治理的信任度越高,结合贡献数据形成 Member Profile 画像,并结合到治理层面

  1. 贡献数据和 Grants 分析



  1. 如何更多增加用户和产品之间的交互程度


我建议发起一个小组,举行一周一次的 FairSharing 产品脑暴和迭代会议,常见的研究方向包括治理身份,Grants 分析,个人身份证明,贡献日志等

一周一次的产品脑暴会议,2 周一次的产品迭代计划书向社区公示,或在此帖子进行公示


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很好的思考,如果我们用一个抽象的方式来看待 LXDAO,其实主要由两个部分组成:协作+分配

从这个角度来看,fs 是 LXDAO 的核心产品,串联了 LXDAO 其他产品和整个 DAO 的成员。所以不一定要做成与其他产品一致,而且为了保持灵活性,fs 不适合在功能上做的特别细致,主要功能上要保持简单,而是只需要在协作和分配上做到极致。


  1. 没有投票,这个可以让在用户在填写贡献的时候,需要找相关的贡献相关人来投票,这在某种程度上可以解决无人投票的问题
  2. 提升用户 token claim 的意识,让大家意识到自己最终的收益由 token 决定
  3. 在对一个poc 投反对票时,需要有一定的反馈,比如是明确反对这个 poc 还是部分不适合需要修改还是其他的原因,现在投反对票会让 poc 的填写者有点懵
  4. 提供适当的通知渠道,让大家知道自己的的 poc 状态以及需要投票的 poc

完成上述优化之后,fs 就已经是一个很优秀的产品。


非常同意 Ray 的观点,我建议先从两个小点开始改进比较好:


2、给予一定的治理奖励,比如每次投票奖励 1 LXPU;


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我看到这个论述,感觉也许可以从框架和叙事上帮助作为产品的 fairsharing。


波兰尼(Bockman等, 2016)揭示了会计与经济理论之间的相似关系。我们通常将资本主义经济理论和实践的诞生归因于1776年,亚当·斯密在那一年出版了《国富论》。然而,波兰尼认为,经济理论是通过对会计概念的分析和解释系统地发展起来的,而在资本主义的情况下,这些概念的起源远早于18世纪。从另一个角度看,缺乏基本的社会主义经济理论是波兰尼对社会主义实践能否超越资本主义的一个关键弱点。卡尔·马克思为资本主义经济创造了一个精密的理论,但他有意回避了社会主义经济的严谨理论。因此,如果我们要理论化并推动以P2P和公地为中心的经济概念化,我们需要理解、解释并整合那些代表和评估经济事实的新兴系统实践。

因此,可以说,会计实践的功能远不止是衡量债务和信用。这仅仅是一个过程,用来通过经济主体之间的共同理性协调经济活动的引导。在资本主义中,这种理性包括对利润的无休止追求,并通过将经济对象抽象为数字表示来实现。在其他地方(Pazaitis等, 2017),我们在CBPP(基于共享生产模式)中识别出了一种不同的理性,它以贡献性活动、共享能力和产出聚合整合为中心。


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我对 grant 的分析和治理身份这两点,我表示看不懂。感觉这跟目前的fs 是两个产品了
在产品方面,我建议降低用户进入的门槛,比如南塘dao 的用户

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通过这么长时间的体验,从产品上来看,现在 FairSharing 是一个公开透明的文档化记录贡献的工具,我觉得以下几点在产品上还是需要加强的:

  1. 互评投票,上面 Ray 和 Tristan 也有提到,我的想法是一个项目可以设置一个投票通过率,比如 60%,那么,For 的比例必须达到这个值才能算通过/才可以 claim token。当然,现在一个项目组里的人很多是临时贡献者或与这个贡献者并非强相关,那么就根据每月登记的人数来定义活跃贡献者人数,再算出一个比例来。如果投票率不符合规则就不通过。
  2. 从记录贡献到发放激励的顺滑体验,现在大家有了每周根据自己实际贡献的时间来登记贡献的习惯,但是贡献的发放体验还是很割裂,这点不止需要考虑 LXPU,需要考虑到各种 token,需要思考有没有更好的方式能增强用户体验。
  3. 链上的贡献证明(claim 了 token 才会有?要想一些方式来激励大家 claim,比如社交媒体分享我的贡献证书啥的),目前体感非常弱,弱到我不知道有这么个东西,需要非常可视化的方式呈现出来,并有链接能给用户看到链上的数据,每月在 Profile 里更新展示等。
  4. 整个 FairSharing 产品理念、分配方式、使用指南、所有项目数据可视化展示是欠缺的,这些虽然比较轻和虚,但是对于对外 BD 和拓展用户是挺有帮助的。

还有一点,FS 贡献记录是否可以拿来跟治理投票权挂钩?

作为 FS 的核心技术框架设计和实现者,也使用 FS 比较长时间了。从大家的诉求来看,还是比较丰富的。
FS 应该做成什么样,我个人看法是 FS 是 protocol,只有最基础的记录贡献证明功能,包含投票策略和 token 发放。
至于应用功能,应该是基于 protocol 生态要做的,利用 FS 数据的开放性来实现,丰富生态圈。包括且不限于计算 token 发放工资、token 用于治理、社交 NFT等等。这样的设计方式即可以满足需求多样性,跟 FS 的设计理念也并不冲突。
FS 合约在设计之初,保留了投票策略的扩展性,这个也是可以开放给生态的。


这个感觉得有doc 文档,告诉开发者才能开发。不然没人知道,所以现在很多人都认为这是fs 去做的事。

做开发者生态,是一个系统工程,doc 文档只是其中一环,还得配套有 SDK 等。这个逻辑跟 safe 是比较像的,可以参考。


