Continuously build Solo Staking

对于以太坊来说,去中心化的属性是一个长期要坚持并且需要保持的事情。但当前来看,以太坊想要提高去中心化程度,还有很长的路要走。PGNode 希望可以参与并加速这个进程。


客户端的多样性相比之前已经有了很大的进步,Geth 的份额按照预期降低了不少,给其他的客户端流出了更多的空间,不过当前的占比还是太高,未来还需要持续降低。



在 Validator 的质押上,我们需要关注以下三个方面:


当前以太坊的 Validator 已经超过 100 万,大多数 Validator 是通过质押池来完成质押。当前在质押的赛道,Lido 依然一骑绝尘,占据最大的份额,前 20 的质押池占据了 65% 的以太坊质押份额,呈现明显中心化的趋势。



目前,大多数的以太坊质押在美国和德国。这两个地域就超过了 50% 的份额。前十的地域占据了 78% 的份额。从地域的角度看也呈现中心化的趋势。



当前已经统计了的就有接近 50% 的份额来自各个云厂商,还有其他的微软、Google、阿里云等云厂商的份额没有被统计。但如果云基础设施发生了重大故障,对以太坊网络也会发生很大的打击。


Solo Staking

通过 Solo Staking 可以解决上面的问题,理想情况下,每个人都可以用一种很方便的形式进入以太坊网络,并成为 Validator,但现在以太坊网络的数据越来越膨胀,很多家用的设备已经支持不了节点的搭建。



以太坊社区显然也认识到了这个问题,在 Vitalik 的以太坊可能的未来系列博客中,详细解释了当前以太坊遇到的问题。其中 Solo Staking 在未来可能是提升以太坊的去中心化的关键因素。

当前 Solo Staking 的解决方案

当前对于 Solo Staking 有一些解决方案,但是对比于质押池的解决方案还不够多,而且当前的方案对于想参与用户来说,还不够友好。


提升 Solo Staking 的占比不在于当前各种搭建节点的方案。而在于节点协议的迭代需要持续为 Solo Staking 提供支持,比如降低质押需要最少 ETH 的数、轻节点的发展。特别是轻节点的发展,需要支持各种设备,理想情况下,以后用户可以很方便地在移动设备上创建节点并成为一个 Validator。

PGNode 能做什么

PGNode 希望用一种可持续性的方式来支持公共物品,实现 Web3 公共物品的繁荣。

PGNode 认为 Solo Staking 这件事情对于以太坊生态的繁荣非常重要,并且计划从公共物品的角度为 Solo Staking 做出一些贡献。PGNode 计划从以下三个方面开始行动:

在启动阶段,PGNode 会开发一套易用的 Validator 解决方案,让 Solo Staker 能够多一个选择。就想以太坊客户端需要多样性一样,Validator 的搭建方案也应该保持多样性。

在中文社区,有着很庞大的以太坊开发群体,LXDAO 本身就运营着一个非常活跃的开发者社区。PGNode 会配合 LXDAO 做一系列持续的 Solo Staking 教育课程,让更多开发者愿意参与进来。

PGNode 也会持续关注以太坊底层协议的建设,比如参与以太坊轻节点的建设,并随着以太坊协议的发展而优化对应的 Solo Satking 方案。早日实现在手机上运行以太坊 Validator。

For Ethereum, the attribute of decentralization is something that needs to be adhered to and maintained in the long run. However, at present, Ethereum still has a long way to go if it wants to increase its degree of decentralization. PGNode hopes to participate in and accelerate this process.

Degree of Decentralization of Clients

The diversity of clients has made significant progress compared to before. The share of Geth has decreased considerably as expected, leaving more room for other clients. Nevertheless, its current proportion is still too high, and there is a need to continuously reduce it in the future.

Data source:

Degree of Decentralization of Staking

When it comes to the staking of Validators, we need to pay attention to the following three aspects:

Distribution of Staking Pools
Currently, the number of Ethereum Validators has exceeded 1 million, and most of them complete staking through staking pools. In the current staking track, Lido is still far ahead, holding the largest share. The top 20 staking pools account for 65% of the Ethereum staking share, showing an obvious trend of centralization.

Data source:

Geographical Distribution
At present, most of the Ethereum staking is concentrated in the United States and Germany. These two regions account for more than 50% of the share. The top ten regions account for 78% of the share. From a geographical perspective, there is also a trend of centralization.

Data source:

Distribution of Infrastructure
Nearly 50% of the share that has been counted currently comes from various cloud vendors. There are also shares from other cloud vendors such as Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba Cloud that have not been counted. However, if a major failure occurs in the cloud infrastructure, it will also have a significant impact on the Ethereum network.

Data source:

Solo Staking

Solo Staking can solve the above problems. Ideally, everyone should be able to enter the Ethereum network in a convenient way and become a Validator. However, the data of the Ethereum network is expanding more and more, and many home devices can no longer support the setup of nodes.

Data source:

Moreover, for ordinary users, the current best choice is the staking pool. They can not only obtain additional income but also do not need to sacrifice the liquidity of their assets and do not require their own hardware costs. This will lead to the continuous centralization of Ethereum.

The Ethereum community has obviously recognized this problem. In Vitalik’s series of blogs on the possible future of Ethereum, the problems currently faced by Ethereum are explained in detail. Among them, Solo Staking may be a key factor in enhancing the decentralization of Ethereum in the future.

Current Solutions for Solo Staking
There are currently some solutions for Solo Staking, but compared to those of staking pools, they are not sufficient, and the current solutions are not user - friendly enough for those who want to participate.

Data source:

Increasing the proportion of Solo Staking does not lie in the current solutions for setting up nodes. Instead, it lies in the continuous support for Solo Staking through the iteration of the node protocol, such as reducing the minimum amount of ETH required for staking and the development of light nodes. Especially for the development of light nodes, it needs to support various devices. Ideally, in the future, users can easily create nodes on mobile devices and become a Validator.

What Can PGNode Do
PGNode hopes to support public goods in a sustainable way and achieve the prosperity of Web3 public goods.
PGNode believes that Solo Staking is of great importance to the prosperity of the Ethereum ecosystem and plans to make some contributions to Solo Staking from the perspective of public goods. PGNode plans to take action in the following three aspects:

In the startup phase, PGNode will develop an easy - to - use Validator solution, providing Solo Stakers with one more option. Just as the Ethereum clients need to be diverse, the solutions for setting up Validators should also maintain diversity.

In the Chinese community, there is a large Ethereum development group. LXDAO itself operates a very active developer community. PGNode will cooperate with LXDAO to conduct a series of continuous educational courses on Solo Staking, making more developers willing to participate.

PGNode will also continuously pay attention to the construction of the Ethereum underlying protocol, such as participating in the construction of Ethereum light nodes, and optimize the corresponding Solo Staking solutions as the Ethereum protocol develops. It aims to realize running an Ethereum Validator on mobile phones as soon as possible.


Solo staking 的大规模推广可能是抵御 POS 中心化陷阱的最重要的举措了,期待!我不想被 lido 他们抽水lol

是不是需要来办一场 solo staking 的残酷共学 :sunglasses:

在这个提案里面,其实这个地方是需要占最大篇幅的,建议结合 ChatGPT o1 进行分析和整理,创建相关产品的原型和计划。




当前支持搭建节点的方案也很多,但是目前大多数人在做 solo staking 之前,还需要了解关于底层的知识,而且底层节点搭建的方式还在不断变化中,每次节点变更之后,节点的部署方式都需要变化。如果以太坊想要实现更普遍的 Solo Staking,那就普及更低门槛的节点搭建方式。

PGNode 想将 solo staking 的这些复杂性屏蔽,只需要一个简单的命令或者页面的点击,就可以完成一个节点的部署。

solo staking 产品分为三层:

  • 镜像层:由节点 docker 镜像 + docker compose + shell 脚本组成,可以快速完成节点搭建,而且镜像之间可以有多种组合
  • node-engine:用来完成节点部署、运维、监控等功能
    • deploy:完成节点的自动化部署,调用 shell 脚本、validator 创建、签名工具、私钥管理等等
    • metric:完成节点监控指标采集,比集成普罗米修斯等等
    • alert:报警功能集成,比如报警推送到 tg
  • API 层:对外暴露的 api 可以通过 api 来完成 node-engine 的管理


在这些标准化的 API 上,还有组件化的 Dashboard,可以查看当前部署的节点及日常的节点管理。

上面各层之间尽可能解耦,每个组件可以单独使用,也可以搭配使用,核心是 node-engine,可以把这些组件都连接起来。

node-engine 模块标准化搭建节点的接口,后续标准化的接口可以包装成 cli 命令、HTTP 接口或者其他的调用形式。

node-engine 处理以 task 为单位,比如搭建一个以太坊的 RPC 节点是一个 task、搭建一个运行 Validator 的全节点也可以是一个 task。需要为每个 task 定制一个执行流程,每个 task 使用一种声明式的文件来定义,比如 yaml,然后由 node-engine 来处理这些 task。task 处理完成之后,产出就是对应运行的节点服务。

node-engine 中本身不做任何搭建节点的逻辑,这些都由对应的 task 来定义,task 也是模块化的,包含了环境准备,节点搭建的具体行为,镜像都被包装成一个个独立的 Dockefile 镜像。


  • 第一阶段:垂直实现搭建以太坊节点及 validator 的功能
  • 第二阶段:完成 node-engine 的抽象,然后扩展到 Layer2 等生态
  • 第三阶段:持续优化 node-engine,标准化接口,可以通过组件开发来扩展功能

我们的目标是先完成第一阶段,得益于社区中已经完成的一些工作,已经成熟的节点镜像很容易获取,所以我们的开发工作会重点放在 API 的标准化及 node-engine 的开发工作上。第一阶段第一个版本预计会有两名开发人员参与,每个开发人员每周工作 20 小时,开发周期约为两个月。

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很详细的技术方案,我的疑问是这一套系统是给谁用的?如果是 Solo Staker,我理解很多可能是在家里部署的,而且搭建的人可能并不是非常专业,因此也不需要很底层的东西或者进行扩展。

同时 Solo Staker 最大的担心和难点是出现故障导致质押的 ETH 丢失。因此用户画像和需求,我的理解是:

  1. 初中级程序员,具备一定的基础操作,但是不多
  2. 在家的服务器或者台式机执行
  3. 需要安全,不想丢失任何东西,不想遇到故障,也不想监控太多


  1. 实现一键或者一行命令启动一个 ETH Validator
  2. 对于节点故障和稳定性这里加大逻辑优化和投入
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当前由于以太坊底层协议的限制,当前想参与 solo staking 的人还是需要有一定基础人,至少需要了解一下计算机,后续希望在这个产品的基础上构建更加上层的应用,面向没有任何基础的用户。当然这些迭代需要等待以太坊协议本身也有进展。


有没有可能做成SaaS产品,用户可选云端solo staking或本地可视化服务+健康状态检查

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优化这个点,可能是这个产品最大的价值和吸引点,找到阻碍 Solo Staking 的原因并优化。所以感觉围绕这个来进行设计而不是技术底层或者架构的清晰是性价比更高的方式,容易拿到成果,同时避免在技术层面过度设计的方法。