About Marry3 Brainstorm

About Marry3 Brainstorm

Marry3 is a web3 native Dapp, Marry in Web3, Mint Paired Soulbound NFTs by MultiSign Flow, no transfer, no sell, forever love on a chain.

Witness your Love in Web3 and get the Soulbound NFT Certificate on the chain.

Web: https://marry3.love/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/marryinweb3

Marry3 was launched and received a positive response from many users.


While Marry3 has received so much attention and welcomed a couple of newcomers to Web3, we wondered what the next path for Marry3 would be.

  • What does Marry3 2.0 look like?
  • What can we continue to enrich to make it more crypto native robust?
  • What are the potential enhancements? Can we make everyone more connected?


When we had a metaverse wedding when members of the community combined Marry3 with the metaverse, we got inspired and developed the first version of the plan.

We are upgrading Marry3 to MarryVerse and have come up with some of our metaverse wedding plans.


MarryVerse’s weddings are divided into three processes: wedding preparation, wedding start, wedding follow up.

Wedding Preparation

  • You will need to book your wedding on our website (booking time, theme, content)
  • Once the booking is made, you will be contacted by an officiant based on the information you have provided
  • The Master of Ceremonies will customize the content according to your needs (video blessing, wedding rehearsal, wedding invitations, etc.)
  • Invite your family, friends, and circle of friends
  • Additional customized content

Wedding Start

  • Access to the wedding link provided by MarryVerse
  • Enter the metaverse wedding space built by MarryVerse, where people can talk and explore freely, and the wedding countdown is complete.
  • The wedding begins with the MarryVerse Master of Ceremonies introducing the couple and reading their love story
  • The MarryVerse Master of Ceremonies reads the vows of love and the couple confirms their vows of love
  • After the couple confirms their love vows, the rings are exchanged and the MarryVerse presents the SBT certificate of love, a symbol of “one lifetime and never to be parted”
  • Family and friends’ blessings will be recorded on the chain and projected onto the wedding site
  • The wedding is completed with the setting off of the cosmic fireworks and the start of the wedding games for the couple and their friends and family to explore
  • After the ceremony, the couple, family, and friends exit the MarryVerse wedding

Wedding Follow-up

  • Anniversary events for couples to return to the MarryVerse to explore again

Wedding Type

MarryVerse will now offer two wedding models for you to choose from: Chinese wedding, Western wedding.

We have also thought of many interesting wedding themes, for example, abut vampire theme, angel theme wedding, of course, if you have more interesting ideas, you can also join us to discuss.

Wedding User

MarryVerse weddings are not only open to unmarried people, we also have a bespoke service for different users.

Married people

  • Married, you can have a different kind of wedding based on your anniversary and ceremony
  • Not married, you can customize your ideas in MarryVerse without the hassle of a real wedding
    No hassle

For the unmarried

  • Couples planning to get married can come to MarryVerse to experience a different kind of wedding celebration
  • Single people can also get married with their pets

Special Groups

  • Break free from the reality of gender restrictions and have a monumental wedding


While we are doing the meta-universe wedding preparation, we are also reaching out to third-party agencies to work with us.


MarryVerse will be unlocking more ways in the future, such as proof of love, proof of bar mitzvah, proof of kinship, etc. What we do is not just, We want to bring us closer to each other, to cherish each other more, to make the MarryVerse more than just a wedding.
MarryVerse is not just a meta-universe, but a new kind of human bond, through MarryVerse you can enjoy a new kind of connection with your loved ones, friends, and family.
Through the MarryVerse, you can enjoy a new kind of connection with your loved ones, friends, an,d family.

Next Step

And of course, we hope you can provide us with some interesting ideas to participate in the construction of Marry3 and enrich the next stop of Marry3 together!

We welcome your idea!

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Because we have the project category, I moved this topic into it.


项目挺好的呀! 能多搞搞介绍对象,恋爱纪念日,离婚NFT啥的,渣男徽章啥的,


LXDAO 考古学家 Shanni 老师 :laughing:

Hahah 给自己发个考古徽章啦 zszszs

哈哈哈哈考古专家 ~~~~ 凑20个字字字