Proposal: Create LXDAO OP treasury

Had a try for bridging:

Bridging between Safe wallets poses two primary challenges:

  1. Fee Management: This pertains to the various costs associated with transactions.
  2. Operational Timeliness: Transactions are constrained by an expiration time. Typically, multisigs must be rapidly signed to ensure the transaction does not lapse.

Given these challenges, I propose a simplified bridging method through a Centralized Exchange (CEX). The process would involve calculating the requisite amount and subsequently transferring it to a reputable multi-sig’s CEX account. From there, it can be relayed to the Original Poster (OP).


  • Economical: Only the gas fee for transfers is incurred, which is relatively low.
  • User-friendly: The entire process is straightforward and easy to handle.
  • Enhanced Security: It circumvents potential risks associated with other bridges, such as vulnerabilities to hackers.


  • Partial On-chain Visibility: Since the transaction would pass through a CEX, it won’t be entirely traceable on-chain.
  • Reliance on Multi-sig Trustworthiness: While the method requires trust in the multi-sig, we can mitigate potential risks by limiting the transfer amount.