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RetroPGF Round 2

The Optimism Collective’s second round of Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RetroPGF) takes place in January 2023. RetroPGF 2 will allocate 10m OP tokens to fund public goods that support development and usage of the OP Stack.

What is the Optimist NFT?

Optimist NFT is a customizable profile picture project that can represent user identity across the Optimism ecosystem. Optimists can create millions of unique combinations for their NFT and there are many different thematic sets, each of which tells a part of the Optimism story.

Who can mint an Optimist NFT?

The Optimist NFT is in Beta and currently only voters in RetroPGF 2 can mint. Starting in early 2023, each month, several hundred active addresses will be invited to mint based on their participation in the Optimism Collective and data recorded in the AttestationStation.