Ideas for changing the rules for consensus-level proposals

Additional discussion

Governance inactives

In the previous proposal ballot counts, we identified a number of buidler card holders but governance inactives, which we have observed can be roughly divided into the following three categories

  • Did not receive notification of the vote (resolvable)
  • Those who are unable to vote due to some events or objective reasons (to be resolved)
  • People who contribute to LXDAO but don’t want to participate in governance (to be resolved).
  • Those who are indifferent (needs to be thought about)

In the previous idea of promoting active governance, we mentioned using incentives to promote voting About buidler's plans to add LXP
In ancient Athens, those who agreed to go to a “council” ([](Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ecclesia_(ancient_Athens))) were compensated for their efforts and were paid the equivalent of 1 day’s wages.

There are 2 perspectives under the issue of improving inactive governance, incentives and penalties

Incentives are a way to encourage people to vote, but may lead to indifference to the content of the proposal and care about the benefits, so it’s also like we ask the community for more effective suggestions and ideas

The penalty is mainly to punish people who have been indifferent to LXDAO for a long time (buidler card holders)

But this is an important issue and one we need to think about carefully, the penalty system is a particularly bad one, and as DAOs all ideas should be encouraged and conscientious.

But we also need to address the long-term governance of inactive people, I have come up with some ideas after some research and reflection

  • 1-to-1 counselling and care: create a governance handbook, and communicate and ask questions one-on-one with long-time non-voting members
  • Designing a mechanism similar to Ergo’s Storage Rent, which is simply a mechanism for charging old, potentially abandoned wallets to (among other things) reclaim their “wallets”. (among other things) recover “dust” and funds from “lost” wallets, etc., and return ERGs to the ecosystem… …