
提出这个想法,源于我在做 LXDAO 的 BD 的时候,发现很多项目方、合作方找到 LXDAO,LXDAO 积攒了超过120+合作方资源。同时,Web3 本身的团队也是属于愿意互相合作,一起将行业生态发展起来。


在第一阶段,先将 LXDAO 的 web3 的资源公共物品化,再去鼓励更多从业者参与进来,同时进行产品设计。


Proposal: BD3

Title: BD3

Authors: Sanzhi

Date Created: 2023.08.26


Via BD3,

  • Establish collaboration information standards for project teams.
  • Enhance the efficiency of team collaborations.
  • Create a social network based on mutual collaboration and peer review.

Target Users

Web3 project teams

Super Developer


  1. At the current stage, the real users of Web3 are the project teams themselves.
  2. Web3 project teams are trending towards DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structures.
  3. One person, multiple organizations: Under the DAO model, an individual can belong to multiple DAOs.
  4. In the early stages, startup teams are primarily tech-oriented, lacking in Business Development (BD) capabilities.

Problems to Solve

  1. How can unfamiliar project teams reach out to each other?
  2. How can we reduce the trust costs in collaborations?
  3. How do early-stage startups acquire seed users?
  4. How do investment institutions find high-quality project teams?


Trust is transferable. Collaboration becomes easier.
Based on mutual evaluation credit and cooperation, BD3 is the Next Generation Organizational Network.

Why us? What us?

Currently, in the web3 space, our Business Development (BD) is facing several challenges. There are mainly three issues: Credit Crisis, Entrenchment of Social Strata, and Outdated Solutions.

Regarding the Credit Crisis, trust and credibility are of utmost importance, particularly in decentralized systems. However, we find ourselves confronting challenges that undermine this foundational aspect.

The entrenchment of social circles is also a significant concern. As we progress, there is an evident pattern of social groups becoming more entrenched, leading to diminished diversity and inclusivity in collaborations. While we do strive to address these challenges, the strategies we employ tend to be somewhat outdated, like demo days or promotions through Twitter KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders).

"So, what issues does BD3 primarily address? BD3 leverages web3-related approaches to enhance both the speed and quality of project business development.

  • We will establish standardized collaboration criteria for projects. This reduces the challenges brought about by adapting to different standards in project BD.
  • We’re creating a networked social relationship based on collaboration and peer reviews. This network, powered by artificial intelligence, addresses the weak social ties between project teams and financiers. Furthermore, based on the reviews, AI helps in generating implicit tags for different financiers and projects. This then leads to intelligent recommendations, streamlining the process for project teams to find suitable partners."

Upon first opening the page, you’ll be greeted with a list of projects. If you’re not logged in, you’ll see a default list. However, once logged in, you’ll be presented with a recommended list tailored to your collaboration history, evaluations, and other data. This feature aims to save users time in sifting through projects and directly connecting them with suitable ones.

Upon entering a project page, you’ll find detailed project information, existing partners, historical evaluations, and posted needs.

Moving on to the personal page, you’ll see options to set up your profile. The settings here influence your subsequent project recommendations and potential partners for posted needs. Additionally, this section will display needs sent to you.

Lastly, we have the core functionalities: “post needs” and “one-click BD”. Here, users can input their project details. Based on the project description, user history, and evaluations, our algorithm will suggest the most fitting partners. Once the project side pledges the tokens specified in the offer, the corresponding needs will be pushed to the relevant partners, swiftly fulfilling BD request dispatches.


Title: Project:BD3

Proposal Champion: Sanzhi

Date: 2023.9.27

Forum Post: Idea: - web3 BD 资源公共物品化。


基于信用互评的 Web3 组织和超级个体的协作平台


Via BD3,

  • Establish standard information criteria necessary for project teams to showcase for collaboration.
  • Provide templates for handling collaborative information, enhancing the efficiency of team cooperation.
  • Create a social network founded on collaboration and peer review.

The primary objective of BD3 is to forge social networking relationships between project parties and resource parties, aiming to elevate the quality and efficiency of Business Development for project initiators.

We are committed to offering project initiators a platform where they can effectively display their projects to foster better inter-project collaboration and attract potential investors. Concurrently, we aim to present investors with a comparatively secure environment, enabling them to make investments and receive returns. By bridging the divide between project initiators and investors, we promote the establishment of a social network that bolsters project development and collaboration.

  • Generate business development demands through publishing via the nostr protocol.
  • Merge the EAS proof protocol with the nostr network to establish weak organizational ties.
  • Conduct AI-based project searches and matching.
  • Complete collaboration and incentives through smart contracts.


The current Web3 project parties face the following issues in their collaborations with other project parties, investment institutions, and DAOs:

  • High Costs of Communication and Connection with Unfamiliar Teams

For many organizations, especially smaller-scale teams, establishing contact with external teams through KOLs or other intermediaries is a relatively costly process. This involves not just the costs of information transmission, but also significant time and resource consumption.

  • Difficult to Reduce Trust Costs

In collaborations, knowing the reputation and historical records of the other party becomes particularly critical. There are mainly two traditional methods: the first is obtaining endorsements from large KOLs or organizations, and the second is understanding the history of the collaborator through close contacts. However, both methods have their issues. Firstly, they often involve paying a certain proportion of fees, and the information, having been passed through multiple parties, can be unreliable. Secondly, verifying this information requires us to invest more time and resources for confirmation, undoubtedly increasing the cost of collaboration.

  • Difficulty in Screening High-quality Projects or Teams

To avoid centralized biases, we should rely more on decentralized methods and the reputation of partners to assess a project or team. In this way, we can more effectively filter out high-quality teams and projects, providing investors with more reliable investment recommendations.

In summary, we need an effective strategy to address these pain points. This involves not only reducing the costs of communicating with unfamiliar teams but, more crucially, establishing a reliable, transparent, and decentralized evaluation system to ensure our collaboration with high-quality teams and projects while minimizing unnecessary costs and risks.

Product Scope and Iteration Rhythm

Once the design draft for the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is finalized, the entire development pace is set to accelerate, aiming to quickly roll out the first version for rapid deployment and use. This approach allows for immediate user feedback, which will be instrumental in the development of version 1.0.

The MVP version will include:

  1. Collaboration Requirements: Features for posting, accepting, and processing collaboration requests, as well as tools for communication regarding these needs.
  2. Home Page Project Information Display: Functionality for project representatives to showcase their initiatives and a search feature for users to look up projects by name.
  3. User Page Display: Sections for user basic information, inquiry into needs, posting of requirements, display of user-posted needs, presentation of accepted requests, and a collaboration partners’ page for each user.
  4. Other Projects’ Page Display: Basic information, needs inquiry, requirement postings, display of their posted needs, presentation of their accepted collaborations, and a page showing their partners in collaboration.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Contract
  • EAS
  • Nostr
  • Recommendation FFM
  • 0xSplit, Gnosis safe, Superfluid integration (tech TBD)
  • AA integration (Onboarding UX)
  • Gasless UX (tech TBD)

Team setting

  • 1 Project Lead + Product manager for managing progress, handling everything, and defining/planning product
  • 1 UI/UX Sr. Designer
  • 2 Sr. Full Stack for website and integration
  • 1 Sr. contract developer and tech architect
  • 1 Sr. Operation (begin from late phase of project, their budget is included)


Time duration: Oct 16 2023 - Jan 15 2024

  • 1 Week
    • Kick off, assemble the team, PoC of architecture
    • 1 Week, UI/UX finished design, Developers kick off coding
  • 3 Weeks, finish MVP feature scope
  • 1 week, bug fixes and launch product, one customers start using it in practice
  • 4 Weeks, iterate phase 2 feature scope, one release per week
  • 4 Weeks, iterate phase 3 feature scope, one release per week

Budgets And Distribution

Around 5 people in total, around 20 hours/week/person, 25U /hour/person, 20x25x5 ppl x4 weeks = 1w U/LXP/month, for 3 months (Sr. operation’s budget included in this budget as well)

In TTL, 3w U/LXP (6:4 U:LXP)

Allocation principle: based on contribution and community consensus.

If the work hours can not meet the estimated amount, we will allocate rewards at a discount, e.g. Discount % = TTL hours spent/TTL hours estimated

Revenue Distribution

What are the potential benefits and profits of this project’s sustainable design?

  • Ecosystem funding and donations
  • Service fees from DAOs/projects
  • Reputation, with BD3’s infrastructure serving as a public good, advancing Web3 development
  • Investments, as we are a social platform capable of connecting project parties, possessing significant potential value

The majority of the revenue will be utilized for iterating on this project and covering BD expenses.

As a project initiated under LXDAO, LXDAO inherently holds a fixed 15% ownership. The remaining 85% will be distributed among early contributors, investors, and future new contributors, among others, but not limited to these groups.

Key Accomplishments

  • Successful completion of the project, including the website, applications, best practices documentation, and showcasing to potential users/communities
  • All working groups and projects within LXDAO are enthusiastic about adopting this product
  • Successful adoption of this product by 5 external projects/communities
  • Influence: Measured by the number of followers, subscribers, and overall impact
  • Participation in the ETHGlobal Hackathon in Istanbul in November, achieving substantial conference exposure.
  • I agree with the idea.
  • I don’t agree with that idea.
  • I don’t have a problem with that.

0 voters

Good idea, looking forward to be able to add to the development of the front-end or full-stack project, the weekly time can meet。


基于信用互评的 Web3 组织和超级个体的协作平台


通过 BD3

  • 为项目团队建立合作需要展示的信息标准
  • 提供合作信息处理模板,提高团队合作的效率
  • 创建一个基于协作和互评的社交网络

BD3的 主要目标是在项目方和资源方之间建立社交网络关系,旨在提升项目方业务拓展的质量和效率。


  • 通过 nostr 协议发布以生成业务拓展需求。
  • 将 EAS 证明协议与 nostr 网络合并,用于建立弱组织关系。
  • 基于AI的项目搜索和匹配。
  • 通过智能合约完成合作和激励。


当前的 Web3 项目方与项目方/投资机构/DAO合作之间存在以下问题

  • 与陌生团队的沟通与联系成本高


  • 信任成本难以降低


  • 筛选高质量项目或团队的困难




整个 BD3 的项目起源于运营组负责人三支在工作场景中发现的实际需求,将解决需求的方式产品化后, 5 月在 LXDAO 论坛提出初步的想法,最初的想法没有得到支持,同时也收到了很多的质疑,但质疑和痛点的存在反倒推动产品想法的深入,8 月中旬,带着想法参与上海 BuidlerDAO 的 Hackerhouse,快速设计,现场组队开发,最终产品的输出获得肯定。

于是,计划再次在 LXDAO 社区内发起提案,产品的起源开发与需求场景紧密结合,会是产品比较好的发展方式。

在产品的最早期阶段,没有任何薪资的承诺,但这部分的工作不容忽视,早期成员参与并且贡献,值得记录且回溯,不过”推动 BD3 长久发展,成为伟大产品“也是我们的目标。

所以,LXDAO 提案前的早期工作量将采取回溯制记录,而在 LXDAO 提案中获取的资金,我们将用于去推进产品、内测、迭代更新、上线运营的三个月运行资金,资金的注入能够更加集中资源去开发和上线和运营。所以,早期贡献放置在第二轮资金进来时候回溯和补偿。


2023 年 10 月 16日 - 2024 年 1 月 15 日


MVP 版本开发:

  1. 账户:Metamask 接入
  2. Profile:项目方信息填写
  3. 社交关系:项目方与项目方合作关系图标列展示、推荐合作的项目方关系展示
  4. 合作需求:发布合作需求、接受和处理合作需求,需求框沟通、确认合作需求、需求评论等
  5. 首页项目信息展示:项目方展示、搜索项目方名称
  6. 用户页面展示:用户基础信息、需求查询、需求发布、用户发布的需求页面展示、用户接受的需求展示页面展示,用户合作方页面展示。
  7. 其他项目的页面展示:基础信息(项目文本信息和logo)、需求查询、需求发布、ta发布的需求页面展示、ta接受的需求展示页面展示,ta合作方页面展示。
  8. 验证:ENS & 项目方 NFT(待定)


  • 设计稿定稿
  • 产品技术架构评审


  • 团队协作模式基于 LXDAO 的 PoC 方式进行调整
  • 早期工作记录和回溯
  • MVP 版本开发,联调
  • 合约开发
  • 部署测试网测试
  • 主网部署调研:OP、Arb、Ton(生态发展、生态扶持、人数)
  • 市场信息收集、第一版本设计开始


  • 部署主网
  • 启动内测



  1. 账户:接入交互和门槛更低的钱包账户
  2. Profile:增加个人 Profile 创建
  3. 社交关系:项目方与项目方合作关系网络链接状展示、项目方与个人关系展示
  4. 合作需求:点赞合作需求,基于过往合作关系推荐、合作评分
  5. 首页项目信息展示:增加项目的信用分数、增加沟通入口
  6. 用户页面展示:基础信息(增加合作方展示、增加项目与个人关系展示)
  7. 其他项目的页面展示:基础信息、需求查询、需求发布、ta发布的需求页面展示、ta接受的需求展示页面展示,ta合作方页面展示。
  8. 增加需求的站内沟通聊天框


  • MVP 版本 5 名项目方内测开始
  • Bug 修复,产品体验优化
  • 第一版本设计定稿
  • 基于设计稿进行功能更新与发布
  • 第一版本上线和 20 名项目方入驻反馈


  • 前端
  • 后端
  • 推荐系统FFM
  • 合约
  • AR/IPFS(待定)
  • EAS
  • Nostr
  • 0xSplit、Gnosis safe、Superfluid集成(待定)
  • AA集成(Onboarding UX)
  • 无Gas用户体验(技术待定)


  • 1位项目负责人 + 1位产品经理,负责管理进度,处理所有事务,以及定义/规划产品
  • 1位资深UI/UX设计师
  • 2位高级全栈开发人员,负责网站和集成工作
  • 1位高级合约开发人员和技术架构师
  • 1位高级运营人员(项目后期开始,预算已包含在内)


总共约 5 人,每人每周约 20 小时,每小时 25 LXPU/人,20x25x5人x4周 = 每月1万U/LXP,为期3个月(高级运营的预算也包含在这个预算中)

总计,3万U/LXP(6:4 U:LXP比例)


如果工作时间无法满足估计的数量,我们将以折扣分配奖励,例如,折扣% = 总花费时间/总预估时间



  • 生态资助、捐款
  • 来自DAO/项目的服务费用
  • 声誉,BD3 的底层为公共物品,推动 Web3 发展
  • 投资,我们是一个能够链接项目方的社交平台,具备极大的价值潜力

大部分收入将用于迭代这个项目并覆盖 BD 成本,如果在这三个月有新的资金进入,将对早期的贡献进行回溯之后抵扣 LXDAO 的国库支出。

作为在 LXDAO 启动的项目,LXDAO 默认拥有固定的15%所有权。其余85%将分配给早期贡献者、投资者和未来的新贡献者等,但不限于此。


  • 项目的成功完成,包括网站、应用程序、最佳实践文档、向潜在用户/社区展示
  • LXDAO 中的所有工作组和项目都乐于采用这个产品
  • 5 个外部项目/社区成功采用了这个产品
  • 影响力:通过关注者数量、订阅者数量和总体影响力来衡量
  • 参加 11 月在伊斯坦布尔举行的 Zu Social Hackerhouse,与生态核心开发者建立联系,获得良好的会议曝光
  • 申请 SpringX、A16Z、OP Grants 等生态机会

Seems the team does not plan to attend it now.

In this season the LXDAO budget might not be enough to fully support it, might only support part of it. We might need to apply for external funds support from partners or investors. You might need to think about it and give some instructions regarding external funds or grants, shares, etc., otherwise, the proposal might fail due to a lack of budget.



2023 年 10 月 16日 - 2024 年 1 月 15 日


MVP 版本开发:

  1. 账户:Metamask 接入
  2. Profile:项目方信息填写
  3. 社交关系:项目方与项目方合作关系图标列展示、推荐合作的项目方关系展示
  4. 合作需求:发布合作需求、接受和处理合作需求,需求框沟通、确认合作需求、需求评论等
  5. 首页项目信息展示:项目方展示、搜索项目方名称
  6. 用户页面展示:用户基础信息、需求查询、需求发布、用户发布的需求页面展示、用户接受的需求展示页面展示,用户合作方页面展示。
  7. 其他项目的页面展示:基础信息(项目文本信息和logo)、需求查询、需求发布、ta发布的需求页面展示、ta接受的需求展示页面展示,ta合作方页面展示。
  8. 验证:ENS & 项目方 NFT(待定)


  • 设计稿定稿
  • 产品技术架构评审


  • 团队协作模式基于 LXDAO 的 PoC 方式进行调整
  • 早期工作记录和回溯
  • MVP 版本开发,联调
  • 合约开发
  • 部署测试网测试
  • 主网部署调研:OP、Arb、Ton(生态发展、生态扶持、人数)
  • 市场信息收集、第一版本设计开始


  • 部署主网
  • 启动内测



  1. 账户:接入交互和门槛更低的钱包账户
  2. Profile:增加个人 Profile 创建
  3. 社交关系:项目方与项目方合作关系网络链接状展示、项目方与个人关系展示
  4. 合作需求:点赞合作需求,基于过往合作关系推荐、合作评分
  5. 首页项目信息展示:增加项目的信用分数、增加沟通入口
  6. 用户页面展示:基础信息(增加合作方展示、增加项目与个人关系展示)
  7. 其他项目的页面展示:基础信息、需求查询、需求发布、ta发布的需求页面展示、ta接受的需求展示页面展示,ta合作方页面展示。
  8. 增加需求的站内沟通聊天框


  • MVP 版本 5 名项目方内测开始
  • Bug 修复,产品体验优化
  • 第一版本设计定稿
  • 基于设计稿进行功能更新与发布
  • 第一版本上线和 20 名项目方入驻反馈

yes, change to ZuSocial.

Title: BD3

Proposal Champion: Sanzhi

Date: 2023.10.18

Forum Post: Idea: - web3 BD 资源公共物品化


A collaboration platform for Web3 organizations and super individuals based on credit mutual evaluation.

基于信用互评的 Web3 组织和超级个体的协作平台


Via BD3,

  • Establish standard information criteria necessary for project teams to showcase for collaboration.
  • Provide templates for handling collaborative information, enhancing the efficiency of team cooperation.
  • Create a social network founded on collaboration and peer review.

The primary objective of BD3 is to forge social networking relationships between project parties and resource parties, aiming to elevate the quality and efficiency of Business Development for project initiators.

We are committed to offering project initiators a platform where they can effectively display their projects to foster better inter-project collaboration and attract potential investors. Concurrently, we aim to present investors with a comparatively secure environment, enabling them to make investments and receive returns. By bridging the divide between project initiators and investors, we promote the establishment of a social network that bolsters project development and collaboration.


The current Web3 project parties face the following issues in their collaborations with other project parties, investment institutions, and DAOs:

  • High Costs of Communication and Connection with Unfamiliar Teams

For many organizations, especially smaller-scale teams, establishing contact with external teams through KOLs or other intermediaries is a relatively costly process. This involves not just the costs of information transmission, but also significant time and resource consumption.

  • Difficult to Reduce Trust Costs

In collaborations, knowing the reputation and historical records of the other party becomes particularly critical. There are mainly two traditional methods: the first is obtaining endorsements from large KOLs or organizations, and the second is understanding the history of the collaborator through close contacts. However, both methods have their issues. Firstly, they often involve paying a certain proportion of fees, and the information, having been passed through multiple parties, can be unreliable. Secondly, verifying this information requires us to invest more time and resources for confirmation, undoubtedly increasing the cost of collaboration.

  • Difficulty in Screening High-quality Projects or Teams

To avoid centralized biases, we should rely more on decentralized methods and the reputation of partners to assess a project or team. In this way, we can more effectively filter out high-quality teams and projects, providing investors with more reliable investment recommendations.

In summary, we need an effective strategy to address these pain points. This involves not only reducing the costs of communicating with unfamiliar teams but, more crucially, establishing a reliable, transparent, and decentralized evaluation system to ensure our collaboration with high-quality teams and projects while minimizing unnecessary costs and risks.

Product Planning and Timeline

In the product’s earliest stages, there was no commitment to any salary, but this part of the work cannot be overlooked. Early members’ participation and contributions are worth recording and retracing. However, “promoting the long-term development of BD3 and making it a great product” is also our goal.

Thus, the early workload before the LXDAO proposal will be recorded on a retracement basis, and the funds obtained in the LXDAO proposal will be used for product advancement, beta testing, iterative updates, and a three-month operation fund for launching. The injection of funds can concentrate resources on development, launching, and operation. Therefore, early contributions will be retraced and compensated when the second round of funding comes in.

The overall development rhythm is divided into 3 stages:


  1. Connect Wallet
  2. Main Page: show all organizations & search
  3. Collaboration Hub: Show All Needs
  4. Create organization profiles
  5. Create Needs
    1. Set partnership Needs
    2. Promotion Needs
    3. Activity Needs
  6. My profile Page (can be edit)
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  7. Others profile Page
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  8. Relationship networking: partners & partners
  9. Set Partnership interaction
  10. Collaboration interaction
    1. Needs Creators interaction
      1. Accept Join & Send message onchain(need discuss more)
      2. Reject Join & Send messag
      3. Complete Needs & Send message(Onchain & EAS)
      4. Confirm Complete(Onchain & EAS)
      5. Cancel Needs & Send message (Onchain & EAS)
      6. Send message, if Participants canceled or confirmed - EAS
    2. Needs Participants interaction
      1. Join Needs & Send message(text; once)
      2. Complete Needs & Send message(Onchain & EAS)
      3. Confirm Complete(Onchain & EAS)
      4. Cancel Needs & Send message (Onchain & EAS)
      5. Send message, if Participants canceled or confirmed - EAS
    3. Pay Fee / Ask Fund contract
      1. Lock, wait time, Unlock
  11. Logo Branding authorize


  1. Download all partners’ Logo
  2. Create individual profile
  3. Show comment from organization & individual
  4. Relationship networking:
    1. organization & individual:Owner, Operator, Member


Stage 1

  • Finalizing design drafts
  • Product technical architecture review
  • First Version Design confirm
  • Develop details:
  1. connect wallet(function)
  2. Main Page: show all organizations & search(function)
  3. Collaboration Hub: Show All Needs(function)
  4. Create organization profiles (function)
  5. Create Needs (function & UI)
    1. Set partnership Needs
    2. Promotion Needs
    3. Activity Needs
  6. My profile Page (can be edit)
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  7. Others profile Page
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  8. Collaboration interaction (backend & frontend)

Stage 2

  • Second Version Design start
  • Research of network and EAS
  • Team collaboration adjustments based on LXDAO’s PoC.
  • Early work records and retrospectives.
  • MVP version development, joint debugging.
  • Contract development.
  • Deployment and testing on the test network.
  • Mainnet deployment research: OP, Arb, Ton (ecosystem development, support, user base).
  • Market information collection, commencement of first-version design.
  • Mainnet deployment.
  • Initiation of beta testing.
  • Develop details:
  1. Connect Wallet (function & UI)
  2. Main Page: show all organizations & search (function & UI)
  3. Collaboration Hub: Show All Needs (function & UI)
  4. Create organization profiles (function & UI)
  5. Create Needs (function & UI)
    1. Set partnership Needs
    2. Promotion Needs
    3. Activity Needs
  6. My profile Page (can be edit) (function & UI)
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  7. Others profile Page (function & UI)
    1. Info & social media icon
    2. Post needs (Secondary page)
    3. Participate needs (Secondary page)
    4. Relationship (Secondary page)
  8. Relationship networking: partners & partners (function & UI)
  9. Set Partnership interaction (function & UI)
  10. Collaboration interaction
    1. Needs Creators interaction
      1. Accept Join & Send message onchain(need discuss more)
      2. Reject Join & Send messag
      3. Complete Needs & Send message(Onchain & EAS)
      4. Confirm Complete(Onchain & EAS)
      5. Cancel Needs & Send message (Onchain & EAS)
      6. Send message, if Participants canceled or confirmed - EAS
    2. Needs Participants interaction
      1. Join Needs & Send message(text; once)
      2. Complete Needs & Send message(Onchain & EAS)
      3. Confirm Complete(Onchain & EAS)
      4. Cancel Needs & Send message (Onchain & EAS)
      5. Send message, if Participants canceled or confirmed - EAS
    3. Pay Fee / Ask Fund smart contract
      1. Lock, wait time, Unlock
  11. Logo Branding authorize (design & function & UI)

Stage 3

  • Market information collection, commencement of first-version design.
  • Begin beta testing with 5 project parties for the MVP version.
  • Bug fixes, product experience enhancements.
  • Finalize first-version design.
  • Develop details:
  1. Download all partners’ Logo
  2. Create individual profile
  3. Show comment from organization & individual
  4. Relationship networking:
    1. organization & individual:Owner, Operator, Member

Tech Stack

  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • FFM Recommendation System (TBD)
  • Contracts
  • EAS (TBD)
  • Nostr (TBD)
  • 0xSplit, Gnosis Safe, Superfluid integration (TBD)
  • AA integration (Onboarding UX)
  • Gasless user experience (tech TBD)

Team Configuration

  • 1 project lead + 1 product manager, responsible for managing progress, handling all affairs, and defining/planning the product.
  • 1 senior UI/UX designer.
  • 2 senior full-stack developers, responsible for website and integration work.
  • 1 senior contract developer and technical architect.
  • 1 senior operations personnel (starts in the later phase of the project, budget included).

Budget and Allocation

Some of the following roles may be duplicated.

And stage3 we will try to apply more fund from other way.

HC Rate hours(per month) month Budget(lxpu)
Project Lead 1 25 40 2 2000
Product design 1 25 20 2 1000
UI 1 25 40 2 2000
Full-stack developers(frontend) 1 30 60 2 3600
Backend 1 30 60 2 3600
Contract developer 1 35 30 2 2100
Ops/BD 1~2 25 60 2 3000
Bounties 6000
Marketing 4000
Total 27300

Allocation principles: Based on contributions and project’s milestone.

If actual work hours fall short of the estimated number, rewards will be distributed at a discount rate, e.g., Discount% = Total time spent/Total estimated time.

Revenue Distribution

What are the potential benefits and profits from this project’s sustainable design?

  • Ecosystem funding, donations.
  • Service fees from DAOs/projects.
  • Reputation, as BD3’s underlying layer is a public good, advancing Web3 development.
  • Investment, being a social platform capable of linking project parties, with immense potential value.

Most revenue will be reinvested into project iterations and covering BD costs. If new funds are introduced within these two months, they will be retrospectively attributed to early contributions and deducted from LXDAO treasury expenses.

By default, as a project initiated within LXDAO, LXDAO holds a fixed 15% ownership. The remaining 85% is allocated among early contributors, investors, future new contributors, etc., but not limited to these.

Key Results

  • Successful project completion, including website, apps, best practice documentation, showcasing to potential users/communities.
  • All working groups and projects within LXDAO are eager to adopt this product.
  • 5 external projects/communities have successfully adopted this product.
  • Influence: Measured by the number of followers, subscribers, and overall impact.
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I hope this one would be final version of BD3.

BD = Business Development which is not a collaboration platform

Please remove unrelated content to keep the proposal concise.

You don’t need to be concerned about the Season or DAO budget for a project proposal.

Also, we will release tokens by milestone on the checkpoint, so be careful about your milestone settings.

I think you can remove this one.

I might find some ZK use cases in this project like I can prove I am a partner of XXX without letting you know what event we co-hosted.